day eleven of memories

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In the next challenge, we had to try and escape a tower, like I said. It was nothing special, and eventually I found a secret in the surface of the tower. A trap door I believe it was. I ran over to tell Gon and the rest of the group, but I was a klutz back then, so something absolutely had to go wrong. Oh how the world hated me back then... well it's no different now, but still. #stopynabuse.

"hey guys I found something something follow m-"
At that moment, I fell down another random hole, and was regretting ever finding anything, because the hole I'd fallen down(more commonly known as a trapdoor), was supposedly bottomless like the split in the mountain from the previous stage of the hunter exam, and I was guaranteed to at most break a few bones upon landing.
As it turned out, I still had some luck, from the little luck I received upon entering this world, and made it with just a sprained shoulder. I was playing real life human fall flat, and it was getting really old. Sure I always wanted to live in a video game, but this wasn't what I had in mind!
When I looked around at my surroundings, I was in a weird room, with a large board on a wall, and a door beside it. It looked like there was a word problem on it, which made me panic, because I didn't have school on the island, and I for sure didn't know that letters were a part of math too. Oh the humanity! Even the little drawing of the situation was absolutely zero help to me at this point!

"if Person B was going from point A, to point B, point B being a dangerous place, what would be the probability of survival?" the board read. Oh what a difficult question. There were choices for me to choose at the bottom of the sign, and I had to circle them with some chalk, to choose one.
In a world of 90 percent's, and ten percent's, be a fifty percent, am I right? Which is what I chose. unsurprisingly, I got it right. I'd thought it would've been harder than that, but I was wrong, because the two other answers were obviously wrong.
In each room I entered, there was a new question similar to the first one. The only difference was the fact that it kept getting harder and harder as I progressed, until eventually I was faced with the hardest question yet.

"If you, and Person B were in a friendly race from point A to point B, how would you react to Person B winning the race?" The board said. This was somehow the hardest question to me yet, and I was already at breaking point with these questions. Only enough, the questions began getting more and more personal, than mathematical. If the whole point of this test thingy, was to test my sanity, then I was about to push myself off the edge of an imaginary cliff, due to all of these personal questions. Half of the questions leading up to here would make my braincells hyperventilate and die due to confusion and conflict.
That wasn't the last question though. All the questions kept coming at me over and over, each harder and more puzzling than the last, until the board just stopped asking about point A and B altogether.

"will you sacrifice your life and happiness for those you love?"
That was the last question I got. It widely confused and upset me, as to why they would even need this type of information. I'd completely forgotten that this was all supposed to be mathematical. All that actually mattered was moving on, so that I could get out of here, so I just picked the first answer my hand drifted to. "maybe."
Along the way, I'd learned that the answer I gave didn't matter, and that I'd be able to pass no matter what I chose. That was the thing that confused me the most. I wondered, what was the whole point of the test, if I could just pick anything. At one point I even thought that this was some kind of test of honor, which it clearly wasn't. It was all probably just some sort of psychology test, that was supposed to drive you off the rails with the realization that you were a bad person. Not that I came to the conclusion that I was a bad person anyways, not in a million years!
When I walked out of the last door, I felt a sense of freedom from all the psychological and emotion struggle. I would've done good even if it was a physical test, because I'm an awesome person, but they probably thought that I'd be way to good at a physical test, which is probably why they sent me through an emotional roller coaster! They don't got anything on me!

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