day twelve of memories

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someone through the PA, announce that I'd came out of the room, with exactly twelve minutes left on the clock. In other words, I barely made the cut. This was a major let down in my pride, but I was still the awesome person I was. Even after all of that psychological chiz. Sure I got out with a few thousand braincells damaged and dead, but I'd made it. That was all that mattered. 
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, were already there waiting for me. While Leorio, and Kurapika looked like worried parents, Killua could care less. It's rude to pretend not to care about your friends. Such a tsundere, he was. It upset me so much, that I decided to pay more attention to the bright side of life(a.k.a. Gon), and ignore his rainy protest against me.
That was when I noticed how happy Gon looked to see me. He truly looked at me, as if he hadn't seen me for years. In an instant I forgot all about the Killua incident, and went over to hug this manz. It brightened up my whole day. Killua could go and rain down on a different parade for all I cared!
now I know I always say, 'I remember it like it was yesterday,' but this one was actually with remembering, so it was set aside from all the other times I've said, 'I remember it like it was yesterday.'

"I missed you a lot Y/n!" he said, with his sunshine voice and all.

"I guess I missed ya' too buddy." I said, patting his back, as he hugged me tight. 
Of course Killua being the tsundere he was, was obviously jealous of me for getting hugs from Gon~
At that time I was pretty sure Killua was closeted.

'Sorry man, I've already marked my territory!' I'd think to myself smugly. I was also pretty sure that Killua could read my mind at that time, because he looked mad. Was it bad that I felt smug over the fact that I was provoking someone?
After the long warm greeting, the timer for the applicants to escape the tower was up. Less than half the people we had before had escaped the tower successfully, and I was getting a little intimidated over the fact that everyone would be watching everyone now that we had a smaller group, but nonetheless, I knew I was awesome. 
When the timer went off, the examiners led us away from the tower, and onto a medium sized boat for the next phase. I wondered how much more times they were going to give us free rides, before making us walk or swim to the next phase again, but that didn't mean I was ungrateful.
The place we arrived at, was a small island, probably the size of Whale island, that looked completely untouched. The new examiner explained to us that we had to play keep away with our badges from one of the running phase of the hunter exam. She didn't say what would happen if one of the candidates had already lost their badge before this phase, so it'd probably suck to be that guy... They made us pick out cards from inside a box, and the number on the card, was the number badge we were supposed to go after. Mines was number four-o-five. I had zero clue who this person was, but I'd act like I did. Bad case of fake it till you make it I guess. You'd think that I'd already gotten to know everyone's numbers, but the truth was that I didn't even know my own friend's numbers. How embarrassing.
I quickly hid my badge, just in case anyone tried to swipe it early, and just in case anyone else didn't take the time to try and memorize everyone else's numbers. While some people followed me, some people kept their badge on their chest like a military award. Truly shocking how stupid humanity can be. I couldn't even figure out how those prideful people ever managed to get this far into the hunter exam.
We were let into the wild one by one according to the order of our badges, and I, was sadly the last one. Good news and bad news came from being the last one though!
the good news, I found out who number four-o-five was! The bad news was that, number four-o-five was Gon's number. This was definitely going to be an interesting stage of the hunter exam. By interesting, I meant very difficult, and brutal, because at the time i had next to zero survival skills, and I couldn't last at least thirty minutes without checking the fridge again for food that I knew would not be there, because I'd already checked the previous thirty minutes before that. I was sure that I'd be able to manage, because I was convinced that I was some kind of diamond in the rough. An awesome person.

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