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The next day came by and Y/n was ready.

He opened the door and entered the class.

Y/n: Oh no...

Immediately all heads turned to him and the room fell silent.

Y/n: My nightmare.

With his head down Y/n made his way to his desk.

He sat down with his head still down.

Bakugo stood up and slammed Y/ns head to his desk.

Bakugo: "What the hell you damn bastard!? Making me worry like that, what the hell was that, huh!??"

Some of the students got up to try and defuse the possible fight but Y/n stopped them.

Y/n: "No dont worry... He's just like this. Ow--"

He rubbed his head as he looked up to Bakugo.

Y/n: "You bastard... you couldnt atleast hold back a little...? Fine, ill tell you."

His eyes went to the others watching.

Y/n: "You guys can gather around too if you wanna hear."

Everyone did as he asked except for two people being Todoroki and Tokoyami.

From there he explained what happened and what he felt.

There wasnt really much to say other than it hurt a lot.

With him finished the air around started to get more friendly and everyone started to introduce themselves to him.

It was only until the sound of the door opening that made them stop and go back to their seats.

Aizawa came in and started talking about the combat training. Most of his talk was directly to Midoriya and Bakugo though, he gave them a small lecture before moving onto the next subject.

Aizawa: "Now lets get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice but today ill have you decide on a class representative."

Supringly a normal school activity.

One by one people started to jump up wanting to be class rep.

Kirishima: "I want to be class rep! Pick me!"

Kaminari: "Me too!"

Jirou: "I want to do it to."

Aoyama: "Its a job made for m--"

Ashido: "Ill be the leader!"

Mineta: "Pick me! My manifesto is for all the girls skirts to be thirty meters above the knee!"

Ashido leaned in closer to Y/n.

Ashido: "Hey vote me! Ill do anything you want I promise!"

Y/n: "No."

Ashido: "What? Please? Itll be worth it I promise, ill even vote you!"

Devil of U.A. (My Hero Academia x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz