New Life

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Two days passed since the day the boy was released from the facility. His new family was waiting to pick them up.

The two who adopted him were retired heroes hoping to enjoy life with a child of their own at the age of 29.

Unfortunately the mother found out during their retirement that she wasnt able to have kids of her own. That made them sad knowing they will never have the experience of raising a baby together, but they continued on with their retirement.

They got married traveled around the world and overall just spent time together. That was four months ago.

They arrived to a call from a hero organization asking them to meet up at the facility. There Nezu gave them the idea of adopting the boy as their own.

Of course they thought about adoption, but with adoption costing a lot of money and all the papers they didnt want to. But here Nezu was outright giving this boy out for free.

They were told about what happened to the boy and what he did. Heroes hated him, and if word got out to the public he would probably be hunted down. But it never came down to that nor will it ever will.

An entire fake villain was made up and that was given to the public as a cover up for the kid.

The woman had to convince her husband a little before he finally broke and agreed on the adoption. With them agreeing to adopt the kid Nezu ended the small meeting with one final thing.

He told them something that would split the family up before it even started.

The dad was still planning on going through with the adoption, but he couldnt help but feel like distancing himself from his new son. The mom prayed that "the day" will never happen.

Seeing the two distressed Nezu decided to speak up.

Nezu: "I know that this order might seem harsh. But i guarantee you it will never come. You three will be able to live your lives happy."

With that the two were given papers and a birth certificate. Everything was filled out except the name.

They decided on the name Y/n to match with their shared last name L/n.

From there the boy was placed in a hospital just like planned.

And a day later he was finally waking up.

Slowly he opened his eyes trying to get used to the light. His head buzzed and his stomach felt like it was spinning.

A beep came every second that came from the heart beat sensor he was connected to.

He could hear a voice on the other side of his room coming closer to the door that was just across from him. With the voice was also mutliple footsteps.

The white door opened to reveal two women and a man.

Woman: "Oh he's awake...!"

The woman in more casual clothing walked over to him and sat down in the stool next to the bed he was layed on.

"Ill go inform the doctors about this. You two take your time." The one in more nurse clothing said.

Man: "Thank you."

The nurse walked out of the room and closed the door.

The woman reached her hand out to caress the boys face but he flinched from her touch.

Woman: "Dont worry its okay. Do you... remember who I am?"

He didnt respond and instead kept his eyes on her face.

Devil of U.A. (My Hero Academia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now