Where it began

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Location: Musutafu, Japan
Time: 1 am
10 years ago

Surprisingly it was a quiet night in Musutafu, no people outside talking, no villains around causing mayhem, just silence. The only actual noise was the wind blowing and the tires of a police car rolling on the concrete.

In the front door of a house was a woman crying, hugging her young son while what can be assumed was her husband behind her crying softly. His face showing a sign of sadness and relief.

They lingered outside for a moment to fully grasp that their son was now safe. Eventually they walked back into their home.

But in the building the opposite side of that house stood a man watching all of that happen behind some bushes. A smile formed on his face as he saw the lights go out inside the house.

"With your quirk, something like this was inevitable."

He started to walk away to gain some distance to what was going to happen.

"This is just a mere expedite."

He turned around with his arms out open. The same grin on before was still on his face.

"Show me... show them, your power."

On queue a single yellow lightning strike came from above, breaking apart the clouds covering the moon above.

It hit directly on the house and destroyed everything around the strike. A second later the loud thunder came.

Shockwaves send out from the strike were strong enough to knock out the surrounding buildings in a large circular radius.

Inside the yellow ball that the lightning was forming for some strange reason, the black outline of a humanoid figure started to appear.

Inside the ball a giant was being created, starting from the bones, the meat, then finally the skin.

The ball broke apart as the giant fully formed. A deep, loud, demonic roar came from it. The scream could be heard miles away from the crater.

The giant stood there staring up into the dark sky.

His appearance was almost one of a regular human male. The only difference was its demon-like face and pointed ears.

His ears twitched as he heard shouts coming from just up ahead. His bangs moved away from his face as he faced foward to see whatever was coming closer.

Two smaller people came running through all of the debris and stopped when they got a look of who caused this.

Those two were the nearby heroes that were patrolling the area.

"What the hell... is that?"

Of course they knew a villain must have caused all this. They just didnt expect it to look so scary.

The giant started to move around its arms and legs, trying to get used to its body.

He slowly moved his hand up to feel his skin. It was hot.

Then he took one step further. A loud crash came from it as he cracked the ground below.

After the first step came the second, then the third. Then the giant started to walk foward finally getting used to it.

The two heroes got ready and activated their quirks.

One had razor sharp leaves going in circles around his body. The other had her skin turn red and her eyes turned green.

Devil of U.A. (My Hero Academia x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя