Start from the beginning

Lisa: Yes, my name is Lisa and i am right now Captain of our university's baseball team Auckland Slammers . I am an Engineering Major and in my 2nd year. I became captain of our team last year after the gaming season.

Rosé : Ok very well, can you tell us about your stratergy for upcoming season because last time we were so close to the championship and lost at the finals?

Lisa: Ummm... There is only one plan or stratergy for this year's gaming season and that is hard work. We are working hard on our game and improving all the things we lacked last year. We have looked at all our weak points and trying to improve them. Last year we lost because we were lacking in some points and opponent team was very experienced and they used all our weak points to their advantage but this year we are practicing hard to make sure that there will be no such
point or flaw.

Rosé : Well good luck for that and keep working hard.
Next question, as gaming season is almost a half month far, so how is the environment in the team right now , i mean are you presurred and what are you doing to not get it to you at all ?

Lisa: I would be lying if i say that we aren't nervous or under pressure but it is part of game and we have learnt to control it. We are helping each other by team bonding exercises and little group get togethers. We are using this pressure to motivate us to word hard to achieve our goal. As gaming season is coming near everyday ,excitement is also going up day by day and we are waiting for it. We have working hard from a year and we are excited to play this championship again.

Rosé : That's very inspiring and impressive at the same time. Okay, as a captain you have extra pressure and have to spent extra time on field as well as off field for your game and as you said earlier that you are an Engineering Major, so how you maintain and divide time for your game and studies?

Lisa: Yes, its very difficult to maintain both studies and game not just for me but for whole team but we have divided hours and have a planned schedule,so our game or studies don't have to suffer.
We have shifted our gaming practice hours to early morning and have increased weekend practice time to not interfere them with our studies. And our coach and professors are also very understanding and helpful.And yes, a little less fun for a month will not harm us that much and my nerd genes also helps me alot to focus on my studies. 😅😅😅

Rosé :😅Thats sound like a very good quality. Okay, tell me what to expect from Auckland Slammers this gaming season?

Lisa: A lot of exciting matches and hopefully this year's championship. Our team is in full form and you are going to have alot of fun.

Rosé : I hope that your all words gets correct. Being a captain is difficult, on top that being a constant centre of attention is more difficult. So how you deal with this attention?

Lisa: There's nothing to deal with. Everyone is very supportive and friendly. Yes sometimes, it gets too much but its better than having nothing at all. I mean it mean that everyone is noticing us and supporting us as long as we have that attention. So we take it in a good way.

Rosé : Now i am assured that why you are captain and leading the team because you have such a positive mindset and thats what nedded to keep the team togehter. So tell me, whats your plan after this interview?

Lisa :ummm.... Is this question related to interview or you are generally asking me?

Rosé : Ohhh, sorry, i didn't mean it to sound like that. Its in the interview,because its the last question ,thats why.

Lisa: ohh i am sorry, after this interview, there's nothing much to do , I'll complete all my study related stuff and have to attend a meeting with baseball team online and will like to spend some quality time with my family.

Rosé : You love your family alot specially Jennie, i mean the only person she ever talks about is you. Her most conversations are about you  and sometimes it feels like i know you as much as i know Jennie.

Lisa: Ohhh.... I am glad you think so. I am also very thankful to you for taking care of Jennie and keeping her happy. I mean she laughs alot when she's with you.

Rosé : I am blessed that she was the first person that i met in this university and become her friend. She's so beautiful, hardworking, clear and soft hearted person, maybe a little introvert and nerd but still she's not like all those careless teenagers. She's very focused, composed and thoughtful person. I am glad that she's my friend. She understands me like no other and literally my only home away from my country and my family. She says i am weird but she accepts me with all my flaws. She never judge me for my silly antics. I know i create a lot of mess but she's always there by my side to hold me if things ever goes wrong. I say alot of times to her that she's boring and all but to tell you the truth she's one of the most of intelligent person i have ever met. I mean you should look at that shine in her eyes when she talks about Arts History and all. You know I'll never say it to her face but i can do anything for her. It may have only been a month since we met but i feel like this such a strong bond with her and i don't think anyone can break that bond now.

As i was listening to Rosé talk about Jennie, i was getting emotional because it filled my heart with so much warmth to know that someone like her is part of Jennie's life. I mean being The Keeper even if something happens to me in future, i know that Jennie will have someone close to her to keep her happy and understand her. She'll never have to be alone.

Suddenly Rosé rose from her chair and sit in front of me on her knees. She hesitantly put her hand on my thigh and placed her another hand on my hand trying to keep the minimum touch.

Rosé : Hey, what happened?  Are you alright?  Did i said something wrong? Sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you. I know you and Jennie are very close but i just said but i feel about her.

I looked at her and then i realised that tears are rolling from both my eyes. I didn't know what came over me,i holded her hand tightly, pulled her close to me and hugged her hard. She was little shook but then she relaxed after few moments.
I don't know how many minutes passed away since i was holding her like that. She asked me with worried voice.

Rosé : Hey, are alright now!

I realised that i was hugging her, still holding her hand tightly in my hand. I separated myself from her and freed her hand. She stand up from the ground and put some distance between us. I also stand from my chair. She offered me a tissue she pulled out from her bag. I silently took tissue from her and cleaned my tears from my face.

After a few moments, she said to me.

Rosé : Hey sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you in any sort of way.

Lisa: You don't need to be sorry. I appreciate your concern and love for Jennie. Its just that she doesn't have any friend beside you and i am glad that you are her friend. I am sorry instead, i got little emotional. You know pms.
I lied to her. I also don't know what came over me when i hugged her. I wasn't able to resist her worried eyes that were looking at me with so much concern. When she placed her hand on mine, i felt like hugging her and i did. There was so much comfort in her arms.

Rosé : Its okay, everyone gets emotional sometime. Its human nature.😊😊 I am glad you are her sister. You should meet mine. Instead of getring emotional, she was ready to throw party to whole neighborhood when she came to knew that i am leaving country.😅😅😅

I laughed and she also started to laugh with me.

Lisa: Then i think you need to use your fire extinguisher powers on her also.

Rosé : Ohhh God ! Jennie told you everything about it. Now i am feeling embarrassed. umm.... By the way thanks for the interview . I should go now.

Lisa: Ohhh.... Sure, thanks to you also for that...... I pointed my finger toward my chair . She nodded her head and smiled softly at me.

Rosé : I should go now. I also need to talk Jennie about something.

I nodded at her and opened the library door for her. She said goodbye to me and went to the hallway.

What an incredible interview it was.

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