Finding the Past Pt:1

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Standing there in the woods which you've been in before. You hear a faint voices, it sounded like children playing, you walked towards the children and a blink of an eye it was you and a boy outside of a small cottage house!

"Come on Patrick, let's go play sword fighting!" Young self said

"I'm going to beat you!" Patrick said. You followed them, and then a soft came from the house. You saw who it was your mother.

"You twins watch out for each other and don't talk to any strangers!" Your mother said.
You started to cry because you forgot what your mother look and sounded like.

"Twins?" You whispered to yourself.
But you followed them, you have no memory of a twin brother. You followed them to a cave, which you semi remembered.

"Okay we got our swords, and we are ready to fight sister!" Your brother said as he gripped his sword.

"Don't hurt your self brother I've been practicing!" Young self smirk at him.

You watched them for a few, but you felt this darkness that was coming from the cave you've felt it before.

"Do you feel that brother?" Young self said to him as he hit your hand and made a small cut.

"Ouch that hurts!" Young self mentioned to him, as he looked into the cave.

"I feel it too, I think it's coming from the cave." He walked more into the cave. Young self grabbed him and told him no, it might be dangerous.

"We got swords to protect us!" He said, as he walk into the cave. Your young self followed him, hearing their voices fading.
You ran into the cave to see what was going on!

"I never knew I had a brother or a family, all I remember is walking from the woods and meeting Sofia's father and brothers." you said to yourself.

"It's scary in here can we please leave Patrick?" Young self worried. And you felt something was off with the cave.

"Come on, we are the noble swordsmen! We fear nothing!" He had courage in his voice.

Young self smiled at him, young self followed him and you felt your head shooting some pain! Which you might indicate that it has to do something with the cave and your brother.

Your brother and young self, reach an opening cave area where you both saw a thing that was beating red! And IT was connected through the cave walls and through the grounds.

Your head was pounding so much, you became dizzy, your vision was getting fuzzy by every five seconds. You leaned onto the wall using it as a support as you followed yourself and your brother.

"What is that?" You pointed at the red beating thing.

"I don't know...but it's calling? Don't you hear it?" Patrick asked if you hear the ringing.

Young self nodded yes, and grabbed his arm, holding him for dear life.

You shouted at them to get away from it. But it was a memory you were in, you try walking but this memory was making you feel worse.

"Brother its moving, let get out of here!!" Young self worried. As you walked towards them, but you hear  faint voice calling your name.

"Y/n...Y/n wake up!!" Faint voice said.

You felt you body shaking and wanted to stay and see what happened to you and your brother!!

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