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I was just sitting in my room , with some new herbs for invention of new medicine for the treatment of some plaque which people were suffering when I heard some maids talking about manik

I went out and heard them talking

Maid 1:You know that after 2 months prince manik has returned to shivghati,but his health condition is not good ,he was heavily bleeding and people are also telling that after reaching to palace,he has fallen in comma

Maid 2:And even heard that Princess Nitya,who is going to get engaged to prince manik is going there to visit him..

Maybe from her love and care , price manik can come out of comma

Soo even our majesty gave permission and told Dadimaa to go with her

How nice it would be that prince and princess will be together

Nandini (pov): What are these maids telling, my manik is in comma and severely injured and Nitya is going to visit him...

I should plan something so that even I can go with them and treat manik...

Maharaja: Everyone prepare for princess Nitya's departure, I don't want any security to lack,I want my best soldiers to accompany her,I don't want a single scratch on my daughter

Nandini: Maharaj,Even I want to go along Princess Nitya

As you know,I have medical knowledge,I could help prince manik in his treatment

Maharaja:yes,yes how can I forget that you have good in medicinal knowledge

Please nandini help him,he has saved our kingdom,and many vaidyaji"s has visited him but they  couldn't help him in regaining coinciosness

I have believe in you,how u treated your Dadimaa, same way treat him too...

Nandini: I will maharaja
I will try my best to treat him...

Soon they prepared 2 palanquin for two princess for departure and many high official soldiers were sent for them

Nitya was very furious knowing Nandini was also coming along with her...

Dadimaa also came along with them,as she was the elder and she can't send two princess to other kingdom all alone without any family member

As both Nandini's and Nitya's mother were not in the world,Dadimaa became their mother

She doesn't leave them alone, every where the princess goes ,she also goes along with them..

And today they were traveling to other kingdom,so she came along...

They had been traveling from past 6 hrs and it was night they had to take shelter for a night

Royal Tents were placed for the princess and two soldiers were out guarding their tents..

In Nitya's Tent:

Nitya to someone:How can maharaja allow this girl to come with us..
I think she has a motive to come along with us

What if she comes to steal my manik, though I know prince manik doesn't like any girl near him...

But I can't tell about that cunning bitch,what if she makes him fall for her

The person: Relax Nitya,she can't do anything
She is just a puppet in our hands,untill our task finishes we have to bare her and remember that she has that stone,so we can't hurt her...

And once our task gets over she will be thrown...



Someone is planning against Nandini

Who is helping Nitya

Will Manik remember everything after he regain coinciosness...

What's in store,keep reading

Till then bye,

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