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She hears someone is calling her,she goes towards it,she sees a sparkling stone and she touches it

A bright light appears, which comes out of the stone,it tells Nandini to follow it

Nandini follows the light it takes her towards the same site where last night manik came and was about to jump in that small hole

That light goes inside that hole ,Nandini follows it,

She calls manik's name,but there was no response that place was soo dark that Nandini could barely see,only through the light she was able to see few things,like it was an old tunnel or something,she was just following the light
And there she sees a mirror,on the end of the tunnel

And the light disappers

Nandini gets frightened as suddenly it becomes dark ,as now she wasn't able to see anything but she moves a little forward to leave that place she hears manik's voice

He calls her name,she hears the noise coming inside the mirror as if manik was calling her inside

By shaking hands she tries to touch the mirror and when she touches she was able to move her hand inside it, It looked like she was able to go inside the mirror

And when she takes her hand out from the mirror someone pulls her Inside,she sees a bright light coming to her face and when she opens her eyes she was inside a forest

There were tall tress and birds chirping,it looked liked it was about to get morning as the sun was raising and a beautiful yellow colour was spread in the sky

Nandini was not able to understand where she had come,but that place looked familiar to her as if she knows that place already and she had been to that place many times

When she was looking at that place, she hears horses running,but that noise was coming from far,so she follows that noise and reaches to that place

She sees a cart moving, people walking,it just looked like it was a village

She moved towards that place,but seeing her every one was staring at her

Then she looks at herself as she was wearing plain white crop top and bottom,the villagers were staring at her..

Nandini (pov):How come I arrived here , what is this place ,why this place looks soo old
But even then this place somehow looks like shivghati

But what had happened,I was following some light and that mirror,what is all happening here
But I heard manik calling me...

Manik manikkkkkkk where are you.....


Hey peeps,where Nandini now and what's happening here

To know more keep reading....

Thanks lovelies,
Zing yau

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