Chapter 14

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The next day...........

Hope POV:

We're on the way to Vegas and I can't help but feel anxious. We don't know what's in store for us when we get there. I check Angie's gun mag making sure it's full before checking Kmart's then mine.

I grab my mate's hand and hold it in my lap as my knee starts bouncing anxiously. I've never been this anxious before frankly it's kinda freaking me out. Maybe it's the lack of sleep? I'll just take a nap.

Yeah naps are good. I lean my head back against the head rest closing my eyes. The last thing I felt was a kiss on my cheek then a head on my shoulder before falling asleep.

    I jerk awake as the car shook a little. I rub my eyes then look out. Holy crap. Vegas is completely covered sand from the desert. "What happened to it?" Kmart asks looking out the window.

     "Desert must have taken it back. Three years. No one to keep the sand back," Mom says glancing back at her. Kmart nods slowly still looking. "Mermaid," Angie hums looking at me, "make sure your safety's off," she nods and grabs her gun.

      There's no undead in sight but I don't want to take any chances. "Those birds must have moved through the city block by block. Picked it clean," Mom says looking around.

They must have. This is a huge city, I thought there was gonna be a whole bunch of undead roaming around. "Damn it," I look ahead as Ma cursed and stops the car.

     There is a metal container blocking our way. "We're gonna have to move it," we all get out. I walk forward, "I can move it," I raise my hands but Ma grabs them gently. I look at her confused.

    "Save your strength. We still don't know what's in store for us once we get deeper in Vegas," she says patting my hands. I nod, she's right. Oh, how I'll regret not moving it later. "Hey Chase, I need a look out!" She points to the Eiffel Tower, "up there!"

    "Keep Zeus in the car, Angie. Something doesn't feel right," I tell her touching her arm looking around. "What's wrong, Hopey?" Angie looks at me in worry. I give her a small smile, "I don't know yet. Just......just have your gun ready, okay?"

     She nods and I lean down giving her a kiss on the head. I walk over to Kmart who's next to Ma. I kiss her cheek then look at the container. I focus my hearing on the container as mom walks towards it.

Growls and snarls come from it. My eyes snap to it. "Mom, get back!" Mom runs back pulling out her shotgun. The container door starts opening. I run forward to stop it when suddenly I get blasted back by some type of force.

"Hope!!" I grunt as my back hits Mickey's van. Loud snarls rang out then I hear gunfire. I shake my head and get up quickly. I take out my gun and start shooting at the zombies.

A familiar scream made me quickly turn seeing my sister run as the undead run after her. "I got her!" Betty yells shooting the undead that's after my sister as Angie runs to her. I nod and continue shooting. I growl as I run out of bullets and grab a zombie, snapping its neck.

I look around frantically, where's Kmart?! I take out my Kukri machete slicing some zombies heads. I find my mate running towards Ma with a zombie after her. I throw my Kukri at the zombie stabbing it in the head.

"Mama! K! Hope! Help!!" I hear Angie scream in horror. We run towards her. Umbrella soldiers are trying to get her but Betty's trying to protect her. I roar in rage and charge at them. They flew black against a wall as I pinned them with my magic.

    I glance at Angie making sure she's okay. She's hugging Ma tightly. I make one float in front of me. "What was your objective for this mission?" He didn't answer just stared at me in fear. I squeeze my hand making him clutch his throat.

3. RE: Extinction Dusk Til DawnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang