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     Now I just wanted to let you guys know that this book isn't gonna follow the movie right away.  Also in the next chapter is when they are gonna meet K-mart and Claire and her convoy.

      Now you might have notice some parts I skipped from the movie it's because I'm gonna use them later in the book. I know in the movie L.J is supposed get bit but I'm not gonna have him be bit until way later same with Carlos. 

     They are gonna travel with the convoy for a few months not a lot but a few. Then I'm gonna follow the movie.  In this book there is gonna be smut. I'm gonna put this ⚠️ before it starts and when it ends this one 🚫 so if you guys want to skip go ahead.

    Now a question do you want K-mart to supernatural. If so what do you want her to be.

   A siphoner.

   A witch.

    Or just human.

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