Chapter 1

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No One POV:

Alice woke up naked on a shower floor. She got up but whimpered in pain from her shoulder. She walked to the mirror in the bathroom and wiped it.

Alice looked at herself and touched the scar that's on her on her shoulder. Then she grabbed a robe and walked in the room looking around it.

She stopped at seeing a red dress on the bed. She got dressed and walked out into a living room. She moved to a table and picked up a picture in a frame that has a picture of herself and a man in wedding clothes.

All of a sudden she saw something move behind her. She turned around quickly but nothing was there. She walked over and moved to the big red door.

It opened inward and she saw a room full of glass and lights. She walked in and touched the glass then all of a sudden a memory came to her.

People in black clothes got hurt by a laser. The door closed loudly making Alice gasp. The laser turned on at the end of the hall.

It moved towards her. She grunts and jumps up holding onto a bar and straightened out her body against the ceiling. The laser cut a piece of her dress off.

    She jumped down and landed on her hands and knee. She looked up seeing the laser coming back towards her but this time it formed into a net like laser.

    She jumps up again and into a vent. The laser cut some of her boot off. She panted and crawled away to another vent. She pulled on it but struggled. She grunted and pulled hard finally it opened.

She set the lid aside and jumped down landing in a hall. It was all pure white with doors and elevators the same color. The Umbrella symbol was right in the middle of the floor.

     She looked around scared and confused. She turned a corner and past a sign that says Raccoon City Hospital. She looked to make sure nobody's there.

She heard police sirens went off in the distance. She noticed a gurney against the wall so she grabbed it and started pushing it. She started picking up speed.

     All of a sudden a large blade came up and cut the gurney in half. She gasps and jumps back in shock. She walked forward slowly looking around in caution.

     She took a small step forward and something clicks. Then a small circle device shot up from the floor. It spinner and started firing. It shot Alice in the stomach.

    She held her stomach in shock. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and fell to the floor. She gasped for breath then let a final breath and stilled.

    Three people in white suits and masks came over and stared at her. The first one took off their mask revealing Dr. Isaacs.

    He looked at her, "take a sample of her blood and then get rid of that." He walked away. "Yes, sir."


The floor of a old cabin opened up and the two people in white suits and masks are carrying Alice. The elevator brought them up to the cabin.

They walked out of the cabin with Alice in their arms. They walked over to a canal and threw her in. Multiple bodies of Alice are in the canal all dead. Growls and snarls rang out. Thousands of zombies are growling trying to get into the gated area.


    Alice's voice over:
The Umbrella Corporation thought they'd contained the infection. Well, they were wrong. Raccoon City was just the beginning.  Within weeks, the T-virus had consumed the United States. Within months, the world.

Hope's voice take over:
The virus didn't just wipe out human life. Lakes and rivers dried up. Forests became deserts. And whole continents were reduced to nothing more than barren wastelands. Slowly but surely, the earth began to wither and die.

The real Alice rode down a road on a motorcycle with supplies on the back. Hope drove right behind her on the same type of motorcycle just pure black. Behind her is Angie holding onto Hope tightly with a helmet on.

Alice's voice over:
What few survivors there were, learned to keep on the move. We avoided major cities. If we stopped anyplace too long, they would be drawn to us. Only a few at first. But then more and more. Never-ending army of undead. For those of us left, staying on the road seemed the only way to stay alive.

They drove past a sign that says Salt Lake City. Hope popped a wheelie making Angie shriek and tightened her hold then start giggling.

     Hope smirked under her mask and laughed at her. They continued driving down a straight road. Hope sped up and drove side by side with her mom.

Sorry for any mistakes
Hope you enjoy
Comment what you guys think so far
Peace out

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