Chapter 7

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Hope's POV:

It's been about a week now since the incident happened. Kmart is doing great which I'm grateful for. Like right now Kmart is laughing as she and I play with the kids and Angie.

We are playing freeze tag. Kmart and Angie are it and they're chasing us around the camp. It's down to me and a little girl Mia who I put on my back and ran.

"Hold on,Mia!" I said and ran around with a giggling little girl on my back. I set her down by her mom, "hide." She giggled and went behind her mom.

    I looked around and saw both girls running after me. Oh shit! I ran away from them while laughing. I was running past mom and the others where they are sitting when I stopped suddenly.

I tried moving my legs but I couldn't. What the hell? I grunted and tried again. Wait a minute. I looked up at mom and saw her smile. I gasp dramatically and pointed at her.

"That's cheating," I whined after feeling Kmart and Angie tag me making everybody laugh. "Sorry, honey," mom laughed and released me. I pouted, man I would have won too.

I brightened, they didn't get Mia yet so we have a chance at winning. Kmart and Angie looked at me confused. "Aren't you guys missing someone," I smirked as they both frowned and counted the kids who are frozen.

Angie gasped, "Mia, we're forgetting Mia." I grinned they only have two minutes to find her if not the kids and I win. They ran off looking for her.

Ooh so close, Kmart ran past Mia and her mom. "Five,four,three,two,one," Chase semi yelled and made a buzzer noise. Yeah! We won! Kmart and Angie groaned while throwing their hands up.

I snickered as the girls jaws dropped when Mia ran out from behind her mom giggling. We watched the kids jump around cheering that they won with smiles.

     It's nice to see them be so worry free and happy. "Alright dinner time," Otto said loudly from the back of the army truck. Everybody lined up to get their food.

     I stopped Kmart from getting in line and took a deep breath. "Would you like to go on a date with me. A dinner date," I shyly said looking at her. I know it's not a normal date like dinner and a movie but I wanted Kmart to have a semi normal date.

    She gasped excitedly, "really?! Yes I would love to go on a date with you!" Whew! Thank god I was so nervous even though I shouldn't be.

   I smiled, "great let's go," I held out my elbow and she put her hand through. I led her away from the camp a little so we could have some privacy but close enough to get back fast if we need too.

    I walked her over to our spot which consisted of a blanket on the ground,a fire lit, my backpack and our cans of food. Mom and Claire helped me set it up while Angie and I distracted Kmart by playing with the kids.

The best part of it is the view, the beautiful sun setting in the background. I watched an awe expression go on her face as she took in the sight.

" you like it?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Kmart looked at me with most beautiful smile and cupped my face, "oh, Hope I love it! Thank you."

She pecked my lips before grabbing my hand excitedly. A big smile came on my lips as Kmart dragged me over to the blanket. We sat down and I handed Kmart a can of food before grabbing my own.

We ate and talked about random things and joking with each other. I love hearing her laugh. It sounds so beautiful. We set our empty cans and water bottles to the side and looked up at the many stars across the night sky.

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