21. A Girly Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Yeah of course I remember - all of your families are gonna be there and it's like so insane all of it!" I smiled, "but what do you mean with I should go? It's like bringing dynamite into a room full of fire!" I searched his face for the slightest hint of him just joking around with me, but he remained serious with that ever so crooked smile on his lips.

"I want you to meet my family, I told my parents everything since my mum kind of guessed it - I guess they found it a bit strange I never had Demi home to meet them. And I think it would be a great idea - if we're gonna show the fans you are friends with all of us - the question is why shouldn't you go?" Niall smiled at his own conclusion and brilliance.

"And Sophie you are welcome to come as well," stated a voice outside my room. A second after Harry, Louis and Sophie stumbled in through the door, making my eyes grow big.

"Morning lovebirds - don't worry, it's just Louis and me and we kind of knew already about the two of you. Liam and Zayn are waiting in the car with Poul," Harry announced.

"Liam and Zayn still don't know?" Sophie asked and all three boys nodded

"Yeah, don't wanna ruin their innocence, but we guessed we had to come and drag you out of that bed Horan," Louis grabbed a hold of Niall's arm and started pulling dramatically. Niall just grinned as Harry continued, "yeah we thought it was probably a good idea if as few people as possible knew about Nolly!" I sent him a death glare at the name.

"Wait a minute!" Niall shook off Louis with a move a ninja would have been proud of and threw himself onto the bed again.

"Oh and of course US - New York - Madison Square Garden concert, I'll go!" Sophie yelled over the noise that a struggling Niall and Louis made.

"Of course you'll go babe, wherever I go you'll follow right?" Harry smirked, while pulling Niall's other arm to get him up.

"Oh yeah - cus I have just been with you to Germany, France and Italy - cut it off Styles," rolling her eyes Sophie planted her arms firmly across her body and leaned against the doorframe while watching the struggle between the three boys.

I was just sitting in the bed moving further and further to the end, as Niall kept moving towards me, while fighting off the two other boys.

Finally I jumped out of bed just as Harry was about to answer Sophie and Louis was about to make a stranglehold on Niall's neck, "GUYS! Cut it off already. You are gonna break my bed it can't take the weight of a hippo - and especially not three you know. Okay - Harry and Sophie could you just get a room already. Niall - you gotta go to that photoshoot!" They all froze and stared at me, then all at once they started to argue loudly.

Louis; "You can hardly call my weight the weight of a hippo!"

Sophie; "I thought you were on my side! Betrayal that is what this is - you'll need a serious amount of cookies to make up for that statement missy!"

Harry; "Well that's what I'm been trying to do jeez!"

And Niall; "Yeah guys, she's right - I'll come along - just let me..." I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips as he was still lying across my bed, this act caused a lot of 'awws' from the three others.


"Louis could you just tell us what the hell all of this fuss is about?" Zayn asked in a grumpy tone, as we all sat in Louis' car Friday evening and all of us were dressed up after Louis command. Louis himself was sitting in the driver's seat and smirking, "I could tell you - but then I would have to kill you. And since we got an album to release tomorrow that would not work since I can't handle all the interviews myself - I mean - I know I got humour and charm, but even I have limits!"

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