As soon as Yoongi's eyes land on me he speeds up but is halted by Chul-Moo. He presses the barrel of the gun into Yoongi's forehead and he halts. Next I hear him in my head but Ame jumps up, pulls a knife and holds it at my throat, "stop talking." She snarls loudly and everyone except Yoongi and I look bewildered at her. 

Some don't understand like Chul-Moo and the other three men following in after the guys, all holding a gun on the guys. And then I regonize to of the three men. One is the regular driver of BTS and the other is the cameraman that always follows Jungkook whenever they do something. 

If they wouldn't be working for the Gemstones they would never have gotten the guys. They make them sit on the floor, "Please don't hurt them. Do what you will with me, just don't hurt them," I plead. I'm not scared for myself. The girls need me for something. Why would you otherwise orchestrate this?

She ignores me, and I feel the knife press harder against my skin. When the guys sit they glare at the girls with hatred, but it doesn't phase them. "What do you want?" I ask again. She still ignores me, and observes the guys. When she is satisfied they will comply she lowers the knife and I relax. I lose sight of it as she hides it. 

"Now, if the guys behave they won't be harmed, but if they do not, she dies," and the knife makes a small appearance again before leaving our sight again. "Now bring the first," she says. And Chul-Moo and another holster their gun, grab Jin and bring him closer. The other two men keep their gun on the guys and my focus now is with Jin. 

When he's closer they remove the shirt he's wearing and the girls look intently at the mark. Pearl gets next to Ame and they hold hands. My fear spikes, "it was you? You attacked those people?" Pearl looks smug so that's my answer. Ame doesn't as she grabs my upper arm in a vice like grip. And at first I was scared she was going to attack Jin. But luckily it's me. 

And before I can ask again my body gets swamped with all-consuming pain. I can't see, hear, taste, smell. All I can do is feel and it hurts so, so much. And I don't even know if I'm screaming or trashing around, or both. Maybe I'm just paralyzed. It's just bone crushing pain. Maybe I am pain?

The pain stops as suddenly as it began and my senses slam into me and I can't make heads or tails of it. There is a lot of noise and when my sight returns I understand why. All the guys, except, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin are on their feet. 

Jin looks in fear at me and my sight is very blurry crying. "Oh god it worked." I hear Pearl exclaim in joy, but before I can see what she is talking about, they drag Jin towards her and she hugs him. And I see him pull away, but being bound hinders him in getting away. Taehyung replaces the spot Jin occupied and his shirt is removed as well. 

Ruby moves towards Ame and seconds later the pain invades me again. And again all I can think is pain. And the all-consuming pain leaves again but my body aches now and I realize my muscles tense up when the pain swamps me completely. 

When I open my eyes I need to blink a few times before the sight in front of me becomes clear. I see Ruby drag Taehyung away with the biggest smile ever. And Namjoon is put before me, shirtless too. Next I see Jade hold hands with Ame and I take a deep breath. I know what is going to happen but no matter how hard I try I can't steel myself enough so it doesn't hurt as much. 

The pain comes again and I think I know what she is doing and when the pain leaves again after minutes I get swamped with sadness. Ame is like the woman who helped the princess all those years ago. She is breaking our bonds and I cry harder at the loss and the fear I'll die very soon. 

This was not how I wanted to go. And especially not now. I'm only nineteen. I haven't lived long enough yet. Why? I reel it in. I can break down after. After what? How are we coming out of this? When I can finally see, Yoongi is in front of me and I just stare as does he. And I can read the love in his eyes and I hope he can read it in mine. 

Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Harem *TwoWhere stories live. Discover now