Chapter 33 -Loved

Start from the beginning

Trevor replied innocently, "Watched Bridgeton My Lady."

Hearing what he said, nearly sent me to the floor. We binged watched all eight episodes (A/N: hello Netflix, too short! How could y'all >:[) yesterday night and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

I decided to play along and I sat in the wheelchair with utmost grace and replied, "Well Sir Knight, thank you very much! In what way can I repay your kind gestures?"

"With this..." Trevor quickly replied.

As if suddenly everything started to go in slow motion, Trevor spun the wheelchair around such that I was facing him and before I could react, he bent down to my level and pressed his lips against mine.

My whole body was tingling and even though I was seated, I felt my knees go weak. Sparks ignited all over me and it got more intense as Trevor pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss.

The man did things to me...

Only him.

I smiled into his kiss before kissing him back with a burning intensity.

Before anything more could happen, there was a knock on the door followed by a friendly voice, "Hello Miss Rivers? Your rehabilitation is starting in five minutes! Please arrive punctually! Thank you!"

Trevor and I were staring at the door, so thankful on the inside that no one opened the door and walked in on us.

We looked back at each other at the same time and burst out laughing.

"Don't try that again!" I giggled, feeling my cheeks flush again.

Trevor spun my wheelchair around and started wheeling me out of the room as he replied, "Come on Snowflake that was such a movie worthy moment. Don't ya think? I could do it again for you to refresh your memory!"

"We're gonna be late! Let's go already!" I tried to change the topic.

"Mmm okay Snowflake, don't think I can't see what you're tryna do. I'll let you off for now..." Trevor lingered as he dragged the word "now".

I knew there was a smirk plastered on his face.

He clearly knows he affects me so much and he still teases me.

I'll get back at you soon Trevor. Wait and see.

Now it was my turn to have a smirk plastered on my face.


Upon reaching the rehabilitation center, I was greeted by Nurse Lila who was in charge of my sessions. I started off with simple leg exercises while sitting down on a chair before moving to the mat where two bars stood at sides of a long mat.

"I know you have been using a back support for this but today you should be ready to try without it! You can do it!" Lila cheerily said.

Her voice gave me motivation yet at the same time I felt like I would fall immediately.

For the first few days of rehab, I was falling more than a toddler taking their first steps in a matter of seconds which demoralised me a lot.

I looked beside me to see Trevor smiling at me with a certain pride in his eyes and it also sent a message that I was strong enough to do this.

Yet again, I felt loved.

I slowly stood up, grabbing the bars quickly for balance. I tried to take one step forward but to no avail, I fell to the ground.

My surgery wound was still healing and my legs were very weak after what they did to realign my bones. All I felt from the fall was pain and disappointment in myself.

This was impossible...

"Snowflake, you can do it! I believe in you!" Trevor cheered by my side.

He made me feel loved.

He made me feel like I had the power to do everything in this world.

With that, I stood up and took my first step.


Yay daily updates?
Seeing all of y'all voting and commenting enthusiastically on my story really gave me a boost :)
I'm really grateful for all that :D

Honestly just imagining the wheelchair part made me smile a whole lot HEHEHHE (excited feelings of going high at 2.40am by writing those words)
This is like the sweetest chapter in a while and now I'm getting more excited HAHAH #alevor ;)

Yay! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!! See y'all soon :D
(in the meantime stream exo's new song don't fight the feeling! hardcore exo fan here HAHHAHA)

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