Luz yanks the paper from her hands out of embarrassment, "That one is a rough draft! It's not ready to go public yet."

"Okay... can I read it when it's done?" Amity asks.

Normally, Luz would be thrilled to have someone interested in reading her works but the idea of having Amity seeing it feels more exposing than having her mom walk in while she's writing. Luz covers her blushes with the papers in her hands and shrugs, "I don't know... you might not like it. I've been told my writing is... pretty gushy."

"And what's wrong with that?" Amity scoots closer. "I like to read that stuff too. With an imagination like yours, I bet it'll be fun."

"I..." Luz swallows and tries to steady her breathing. The anxiety rush of excitement and embarrassment made her feel sick to her stomach. "If you're really interested, I think I wrote a little story when me and King tried being co-authors. Can't remember where I put it. Maybe I should ask the typewriter."

Seeing her squirm for once gives Amity the confidence to go a step further. With them both in this room together with no one around, this is probably the only chance she'll get.

Just thinking about it is giving her head a rush. Her heart feels like it's about to burst from her chest and her blood drains from her hands. Should she rip the band aid off and give her a peck? But what if she freaks out? Is she even the type of person who likes to receive a kiss? Luz gave her a lot of hugs, sure, but this is different. Something neither of them will forget.

Luz did offer it as a joke before on the night of their confession. Maybe she wasn't being serious, but if the thought did cross her mind then wouldn't it mean something? What would she have done if Amity said yes then?

Amity struggled with her emotions before coming to stay over at the Owl House. Through Eda's help and fighting against the literal incarnation of her fears, Amity managed to confess to her only to find Luz felt the same way. So why is she hesitating now? The worse she could do is say no.

"Hey... Luz?" Her voice is barely a whisper but still caught the girl's attention.

"Watsup?" Luz asks, noticing Amity is keeping her face hidden by staring at the floor.

"D-do you remember that time... the night when we told each other about our feelings?"

Luz remembers it clear as day. She nervously chuckles and cringes at the thought of her being so painfully unaware of Amity's feelings. "Yeah... I don't think I could ever forget a night like that. Especially with the spiders."

"Then... you remember what you said before right? After we confessed?"

Amity waits for her answer, hoping she knows about the 'joke' she made. A little roundabout way of asking for it but you try asking for a first kiss from your date.

"Oh..." Luz murmurs to herself, giving Amity a burning hope before she suddenly shouts. "Oh, CRUD!"

"W-what?" Amity asks, taken aback by the response.

"I almost forgot something! W-wait right here! I'll be back in a minute!" Luz bolts out of the room like she's being chased by some monster looking to wear her like a coat.

Amity sits there in silence, feeling a cross between agitation and disappointment. No matter, she says to herself, she can just try again until Luz gets back. Amity looks around before testing her breath. Feeling self-conscious, Amity hits her forehead with her hand while muttering, "What am I doing...?"

"Hey, Green Head!" shouted Eda's voice from downstairs. "If you're finished packing, come down here real quick!"

"I refuse to answer that," Amity groans. With nothing else to do and Luz occupied with whatever she has planned, Amity takes her belongings and goes down.

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