xi. - letters & laddie

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" the burden of physical or mental distress "

December 18, 1995


Dear sweet Hera,

I wish to hear more about your inquiry if you choose to join the dragon program this coming fall. Are we still counting the days for you visiting us during the summer?

your uncle Newt

To my favorite uncle,

Have I ever failed to visit you and Aunt Tina during the summer since my first year at Hogwarts? I hope I shall be welcome after this summer since I am no longer a child like I used to be. I would greatly appreciate it if I was.

The dragon program is still on the table. I still wish to speak more with you about it as well.

With great tidings,
your favorite niece

To my favorite great niece,

You will always be allowed in our home, your aunt Tina would never let me hear the end of it if you didn't accompany us for any summers past this one.

(I am also aware of your parents' alienation of you in their home, please be assured that Porpetina and I would never make you feel as unwelcome as they have as we love you like our own child.)

I am happy to know you are still coming. We should also speak about my colleagues at the program. I know I've mentioned Charles Weasley many times, he is the best of them all in terms of being friendly and training. You cannot do wrong by him.

Great regards,
Newton Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

To my favorite author,

I cannot wait to visit, this school year could not pass by any slower. I will have my best time at Hogwarts during winter break with my best friend and soul sister, Stella Griffin.

(I believe I've told you about her in the past, I think you'd love her if she ever came to visit.)

If it weren't for the promises I've been making for years, I would come visit you during the break if you would allow it. I can't wait to hug you and Aunt Tina so hard that you can't breathe.

With love,
Anahera Sincaid

"I wasn't aware you liked to write," Caleb was over my shoulder as I penned my reply to Uncle Newt's most recent letter,"Another trait and talent you inherited from your father."

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