vi. - caleb & his secrets

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"cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused."

October 9, 1995


I decided that today, I'm going to start doing some studying on apparition since I can start taking classes after Christmas. Luke had warned me that he lost his arm his first attempt before Alex had told him to leave me alone. He sure did get my anxiety worked up that I'm now in the library, reading as much as I can about apparition before my lessons begin.

I don't even like reading for school, but apparition is definitely one of those things I should study before doing. Hera advised me to, anyway. She said it would be fine and that Luke was making it a bigger deal than it was, but I remember her having just as much anxiety about it as me.

Madam Pince helps me find the book I'm looking for before I sit down at a table, one that's a little ways from all the others as I want to be left alone right now.

The book had some pretty good tips in it, but the tip I wanted to know the most about was how not to get splinched. I was very surprised at how often that actually happens.

I hadn't been able to concentrate on the reading again after that as I heard laughter, laughter that wasn't stopping. I got up to go kindly ask them to quiet down (Madam Pince would be.. not so nice) but the two people causing the laughter came to me.

It was Laddie and Alex.

I sat myself right back down and they sat across from me.

"Whatcha reading?" Alex asks me and I'm suddenly hit with a huge wave of nostalgia.

"A book about apparition. I start my lessons next term."

"Oh, yeah. I overheard Luke teasing you about it. Even if you do lose an arm or-"

I glared at him.

".. Or something.. they easily bring them back."

I rubbed my eyes. "That doesn't make me feel any better."

"Yeah, sorry," Alex apologized.

"Can I see that book?" Laddie spoke up and I slid the book over to him. He looked through a few pages before tossing the book aside. Alex left to go retreat it, cursing at Laddie under his breath.

"Hey!" I snap but not too loudly.

"All of that is rubbish."

"Rubbish in what way?" I ask and Laddie leans on the table.

"You're muggle-born, right?"

I raise an eyebrow as I'm not sure how he knew that, but whatever. "I mean, I guess-"

"Do you have a license?"

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