iii. - annoyance & headaches

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\ ə-ˌfi-lē-ˈā-shən \

"The act of being closely associated with a particular person or group"

September 8, 1995


I don't even know how I got to the Great Hall for breakfast this morning, I was literally zombie from the past few days.

I hated being Head Girl with a passion but at least it gave me perks and authority over the younger years because, damn, they really made stupid decisions.

I had classes mostly with Hufflepuffs the past few days and it drove me nuts because Luke kept insisting to sit with me every class. Good thing Alex caught the hint and sat with me every time we had a class yesterday.

"I'm sorry he's so annoying," Alex had said when we went to do our rounds as Head Girl and Boy,"He's just trying to be friendly but it comes off as...well..."

"Cocky? Hyper? Asshole-like?"


I could tell Alex was trying just as hard as I was to be a good Head Person. We both were exhausted by the end of the first week and, here I was, on Friday. Trying not to fall asleep as I ate my toast with a stoned look on my face.

"Man, you look rough," I turned slightly when I felt someone sit next to me on the bench.

I almost whined when I saw Luke sitting there, grabbing a couple pieces of bacon as he stuffed them into his mouth.

"You have to be done eating in order to leave your table," I grumbled as I contemplated taking House points away. Good thing for him, I was too exhausted to even care.

"Well, technically," he looked around to find Alex and Reggie, motioning them to come over,"I was done."

"Hence the "was"."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Julie suddenly materialized and I thanked whatever god was above me,"You took my spot."

"Finders keepers," Luke grinned that dumb bitch ass grin he used when he was being condescending and I felt my blood start boiling.

"Ha ha, move," Julie was just as unamused as I was.

"Yeah, move over," Stella pushed him over and he almost fell off the bench backwards but his hands caught his fall.

Luke grunted,"You guys really don't like me, huh?"

"It's not that we don't like you but..." Julie looked him up and down, not finishing her sentence and I wanted to laugh.

"Mr. Patterson," we heard Professor Sprout nearly yell across the room,"get to your table this instant!"

I was happy to know I wasn't the only one getting rode up the wall with Luke's crap.

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