Chapter 33: Ellie

Start from the beginning

I nearly fell out of my seat and my closest hand grabbed her upper arm. "No."

A smile spread across her lips. "Yup. Darrius has always had your back, since -"

"Yeah, I know," I muttered and released her arm. "But he doesn't have to worry about that. Logan and I are... roommates."

"What?" Her head snapped in my direction, her eyebrows shot up, and her mouth gaped. "Explain that to me, please Ellie."

I cleared my throat then went with the honest truth, "His roommate was Wes, they swapped after he proposed, before I got here."

"Nuh-uh." Her face barely budged from her shocked expression and she only squeaked out, "You're shacking up with... that?"

"If you want the full dirt, Logan's my ex-boyfriend from high school..." My cheeks warmed at that admission. "But yeah... we're living together."

Monique always had an opinion, a direct and straight to the point one, and I admired that about her. Apparently I'd managed to shock even her into silence because all she only sat back in her seat and looked back and forth between me and the back of Logan's jersey.

"So he came here for you," she finally murmured and cocked her head slightly sideways. Before I responded, she continued, "That's the most romantic shit I've ever heard. And here I was giving Darrius a hard time for not popping out my ring during practice... Logan transferring here to ride his fine ass on the bench, that's next-level love."

I choked back a laugh because she'd unleashed more in two sentences than I mentally unpacked, but my shoulder still shook a little. "I don't think that's entirely it."

"Mmm-mmm," she sounded like none of her believed me. "So how do you feel about him?"

"It's..." My lower lip rolled under and I bit down gently. "Complicated."

"So get naked and uncomplicate it," she offered lightly. "Unless you had a bad break-up?"

"It was my fault," I mumbled and watched as Logan effortlessly tossed the ball twenty yards down the field to Wes, then another one to Seth.

"Girl, you need to clear the air!" A soft hand swatted at my shoulder. "Trust me, when Darrius and I fight, we lock the door and no one leaves until we've gotten everything out."

"That's..." I paused and searched for the right word. "Admirable."

"Well, it's not all we do." She giggled slightly more to herself than me, then tapped one finger into the side of her neck. "He's got this one sweet spot, when he's mad at me all I have to do is just -"

"I get it," I interrupted her. "I'll talk to Logan."

Especially if this is the last conversation like this I have to have.

"A boy stacked that fine, you know his ass will be hunted unless you've tagged and bagged him." As if she reiterated her point, Monique snapped her fingers in my face, then her eyes narrowed in Logan's direction. "Tagged and bagged, repeat it Ellie."

My mouth twitched but I echoed in a flat, unconvinced voice, "Tagged and bagged."

"Good." She nodded with an affirmed confidence that I truly envied. "I want a full report on Monday when you come over and help me with Momma Williams' recipes."

I exhaled with gratitude for the change of subject. "Not successful?"

"Girl, I tried." She tilted her head back and groaned up to the night sky above us. "Darrius isn't as happy but he's eating it, won't admit it but he already feels better. I've got everything fixed except those damn biscuits. Doesn't matter that they're his favorites."

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