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Chapter 42: Sacrificial.

We worked quickly to prepare Aoak for the attack. Fear was rife throughout the town, far stronger than it had been with the Nirani and undead. It was like a blanket falling down over the town, smothering us all.

We roused the children from their beds. They passed Legion soldiers, clutching tight to their parents skirts. Mothers and fathers held wailing babies in their arms as they were caught in the throng of people that were being shepherded by soldiers. As they passed me, people looked to me as I was their salvation. A single cure that would save them from this.

Asha'da, give me strength.

A soldier hurried to get my armour ready. I bound my hair as I issued my commands, making sure the heavy weight would be away from my face. I bound it in customary Dratlan fashion, making sure every knot and plait was perfect. I had done it for years—it took me no time at all.

I returned to Galen's home when my armour was ready. Another commissioned piece, gifted to me by Fyr. Armour that could have belonged to both the Dratlan-Elves and the Legion. It was nimble and light, like the Elven armour had been, but the marks burned into my hands was emblazoned on the chest- plate.

When I got back outside the house, Dana was wrapping Ana tight in some blankets. She glanced up at me as I exited, her face pale and panicked. She took in my armour and weapons. "People are saying the force will destroy our home."

Little Ana was solemn

"It may destroy homes."

"I don't care about the houses." Dana took a step towards me, cradling her heavy bump. "A home is only made to be so when it is filled with loved ones. Galen will fight. Pl – please protect him Seeker."

I took her hand, holding it tight. "I promise I will."

Whatever it takes.

She scoured my expression, but Galen was approaching, his hood swept back. He wore thick leathers and had strapped a well-kept, one-handed blade to his hip. "Come, my dear. I will get you both to a boat."

"Do you have to fight?" She asked.

I should have looked away when he cradled her cheek, his voice achingly soft. "If you did not have our second in your stomach, or Ana to protect, you would strap yourself up and demanding a weapon. You are protecting the two most precious people in the world to us. I am protecting their neighbours, future friends and their home."

"Damn you." Dana let him tug her along. "Damn you and your nobility."

As I walked back through the streets, passing soldiers setting up traps and helping the older and infirm down the streets, I touched my Alelang. Then I touched Heslan's knife on my hip. Whatever it took.

The entire Birchwood family, except Dana and Ana were staying in Aoak. I had asked them not to, but that was their choice. Father was helping to move posts and I spotted my mother in the towns-hall, setting up a unit for the injured to be treated when the wave of Nirani and Saviours hit. A great long street led to the town's square and the people of Aoak who wanted to fight, gathered there to get weapons.

I saw a boy holding a woodcutter's axe, face grim and determined. I saw an old man knotting a leather guard for a young Elven man, both chatting to each other as if it was any other day.

"You look formidable, sister Seeker." Halon fell into step beside me. "The people aren't as half afraid as they would be if you were not here."

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