An idea planted.

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Chapter 36: An idea planted.

Breakfast that morning was a strange affair. Mahon and I had arrived at the table from different corridors, sliding onto the bench in the packed hall. Kohen glanced up as we joined them, ears flickering up in alarm. Slowly, he looked between the two of us with his tanned cheeks darkening.

"I don't feel good," Gwen sunk her head into her hands, "I don't say this often, but I think I drank too much."

Ainthoch and Norab sat at the end of our bench and both looked decidedly relaxed. The lord thanked the servant that spooned out his porridge, rolling his sleeves up before beginning to eat. He sat across from Greydon and I watched as both talked amicably with each other.

Mahon noted it too, scowling.

"Did you sleep well?" Fyr asked Mahon as she sipped a concoction of thick, green liquid. Her hair was still braided like it was last night and the bags under her eyes were heavy and dark.

Mahon's attention shot from Ainthoch and Greydon abruptly. "I didn't sleep."

Fyr asked a brow. "Did you work after a party?"

"Yes. Very hard." Mahon stared down at his porridge as if it contained our salvation. "I had many...things to write."

Dense man.

"Don't mind him, Fire-Lady," Gwen croaked. "He must have drank too much last night. He's grumpy."

"As opposed to when he is his normal, cheery self?" I asked sweetly.

He gave me a frown. "You could give lessons, Seeker, on how to curdle milk with a frown."

"Did you lay awake last night thinking about that cutting reply?" I loaded fruit onto my porridge, grinning across the table at him.

"No." A smile teased at the corners of his mouth. "I was far too busy."

Kohen began to choke. Gwen patted his back absently and the Zentin contained himself, taking a long draught of water. Asha'da. Poor Kohen. I didn't want to imagine what he was seeing right now. Not that I needed to. I had been there. In that room.

The Zentin flashed me a look.

I tried to stop thinking.

"Tell me," Desperate to change the direction of the conversation, I shifted my attention to Fyr. "Is there something happening with you and Greydon? You danced with him a considerable amount throughout the night."

The Commander of the Paladin's attention was drawn from Ainthoch. He flashed me a sharp grin, but Fyr just blushed. "Greydon and I are friends."

"I am wounded." Greydon shot back at her playfully.

"You'll survive," She cut in, cheeks dark. "Why are we talking about this? We have important things to discuss, don't we?"

Mahon side-eyed her. "And how is that I always seem to be hounded into this sort of conversations unbeknownst to myself?"

"When does this ever happen?" I asked him, aghast.

The Captain, the Troll and the Magister just looked at me. "Oh Shiny, how much did you drink last night?"

"Enough," I defended.

They returned to their breakfasts, but I was suspicious of the look that Fyr and Gwen shared. I had seen that look of devilry too much on Gwen.

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