Make up your mind

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' up its me!' Taehyung said from outside the formers room while lightly knocking the door.

To say he was anxious was an understatement, he knew how much jimin loved jungkook...for almost 3 years now. And today at the after party at the end of their tour jungkook suddenly asked Taehyung out infront of all the members.

He  somehow felt responsible for the heart broken look on jimins face as jungkook held him close after asking him to be his boyfriend and professed his love.

'Minnie....please open the door' Taehyung pleaded while closing his eyes tightly, heart hurting for his little bestfriend .

He waited patiently for the smaller. And tensed up again as he heard movements from inside of jimins and jhopes shared room.
'Come in...' he heard a mumble as the door opened. He was faced with a pink faced jimin with a red nose and swollen Lips. Taehyung walks inside Following jimin and sits on the bed. He stared at his lap while playing with his fingers, unable to bare seeing jimin this hurt and miserable.
'Minnie....I am so sorry..I didn't think he would do that..I am really sorr-'
'Its ok tae...' jimin cut him off with a watery smile. 'You have nothing to apologize didnt do anything, I loved him but he can't see me that way...noone is to blame here. He loves you and wants to show you off as his boyfriend, I kind-of already knew that he likes you' he said looking devastated.

' knew?' Tae asked as jimin sat next to him and put his head on the tallers shoulder.

'Ya...he looks at you the way I look at him.' Jimin says and taehyung feels an ugly squeeze in his chest. He hates this...

'Well...what did you say to him..' jimin asked after some awkward silence as he looked down to avoid taehyung from seeing the tears in his eye.

'I said I will think about it....I really don't have any feelings like that towards him Jiminah...i think I always thought of him as your crush.I always imagined you two together, I didn't even know about him falling for me.' Tar sighed.
'Frankly I think you guys will be a cute couple...' jimin said his heart aching just as the words left his lips..he had just seen a million videos of armys shipping taekook after coming to his room.

Some videos even made it seem like they were already married. He noticed how happy jungkook looked when he saw tae, how differently he treated him as compared to his other hyungs.

'What are you saying jimin?' Tae asked shocked. 'You can't be serious!'

'Well I am....' jimin smiled sadly, tears slipped out of  his eyes and tae cupped his cheeks brushing them away gently.

' If you guys want to date,I just don't want to be the one to stand in the way of your happiness.  You both mean the world to me taehyungah...I love jungkook and always wish for his happiness, if he is happy with you-' now  he was crying hard ,sobs escaped him, his body trembling in pain and all tae could do was hug him tight. 'I know he will take care of you...will make you feel like the luckiest man on earth...'
But jimin didn't know how tae didn't want to be that lucky man....he wanted to be that lucky man's best friend, jungkook was jimins in Taehyung's eyes..

'Please go out with him taehyungah...' jimin sobbed against his chest and taehyung also cried. 'Please...he will be so crushed if you reject him'

'Hyung this is a disaster......' tae said,his voice muffled as his face was in jins lap. The hyungs had asked Taehyung to meet up with them on the dorm roof the same day after both jimin and jungkook went to bed.

'I don't like jungkook that way...he is like my brother...and moreover jimin loved him for years..if I say no..then jungkook will be miserable and there will be a lot of awkwardness between us... Plus jimin made me promise that I will say yes because he doesn't want jungkook to be sad! But if I do say yes..then jimin will be devastated seeing me and kook together and also it wouldn't be fair to kook because I don't have feelings for him. What do I do...' he whined.

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