15-Hogsmeade Part 4

Start from the beginning

I shot out of the bush and I turned out to be right. The cat meowed at me, looking quite pleased with itself.

I scratched my head and watched it walk away, then I decided you couldn't really hide from Annabeth forever, and plus, I'd have to go back to Hogwarts at some point. I went into Tomes and Scrolls to find Annabeth browsing the books and Percy eating Wizochoc and pretending to read a book that was upside-down.

Annabeth glanced at me, "Knew you'd come to your senses and stop hiding."

"Are you still mad?"

"No, Percy calmed me down. Just don't do that again. Only for emergencies."

"Okay," relieved that Annabeth wasn't going to pull out her drakon bone sword and start chopping me up into microscopic pieces.

"We still haven't gone to get brooms yet," I remembered.

"Oh, Jason and the others are at Spintwitches getting exactly that. Don't know why Nico and Thalia are there, just want to see I guess."

I ran full speed to Spintwitches. I had ran past it when I was running from Annabeth so I knew where it was.

Jason looked surprised to see me, "Annabeth didn't murder you?"

"She calmed down. Thanks for the assist."

"You're welcome."

"The Firebolt Supreme's the best one," Piper said. "Super expensive though. Would cost us more than a fortune. A Nimbus 2001 is already good enough."

"So shiny," Nico said, staring at the Firebolt Supreme's handle.

"Annabeth took our candy," Thalia said glumly. "Percy probably managed to take some."

"She didn't take mine!" Jason said happily.

"Because she thinks you're very responsible."

"But I am!"

"And that's why you're now chewing gum when there's a sign there saying NO FOOD," Thalia pointed.

Jason choked and accidentally swallowed it, "Well, not anymore."

I stared at the broomsticks. "We're really going to buy these?"

"Ahuh," Jason said. "Percy, Nico, and Thalia can't or don't want to play of course. So we're just getting four. For Piper, Annabeth, you, and me."


"Hecate gave us a lot of money," Piper said, holding out a large pouch full of galleons.


"If I had given it to you, you would have spent it all on candy and joke stuff, then you wouldn't have the money to buy brooms."

"Meh," Nico said.

"We have just enough," Piper said, handing the shopkeeper the money and asking for four Nimbus 2001's.

Piper and Jason refused to give me the broom until I had calmed down from my sugar rush. Nico said he just wanted to fly along the ground and that he wouldn't even get blasted by Zeus, but Jason said that since Nico also had a ton of energy, he might crash into a tree and die.

I wondered why Thalia didn't want to get a broom. Maybe she doesn't get along with her dad or something.

We arrived at Tomes and Scrolls.

"You know," Percy said, "I've just realized something."

"YOU HAVE CANDY?" Nico asked, his hands shaking from his sweets.

"No, I have detention today."

Annabeth spun around, "Oh yeah! 8 o'clock wasn't it?"

"I don't want to go though!"

"You have to, you'd lose House points if you don't. And you too, Thalia."

"It wasn't my fault Nico was so fun to bounce around the room!" Thalia complained.

"If you want to make Gryffindor lose, and for three quarters of the Houses to hate you, be my guest."

"Why would Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff hate us?" I asked.

"Because they don't want Slytherin to win the House Cup. And if Gryffindor doesn't win, most likely it would be Slytherin that does."

"Yikes, we wouldn't want that." Then I suddenly remembered something, "Hey, where's Draco?"

"Left to find his friends, Crabbe and Goyle," Annabeth said.

"Oh," I said. "I didn't know they were actually friends."

"Well, you can't really pretend to be friends with someone for years and still not become friends."

I nodded, "Makes sense."

"Draco really does hate Harry," she said. "It's hard thinking of insults and comebacks everytime you see someone and still not see their negative side. Especially now," she added balefully, staring at Harry and Ron spying on them behind a bush.

I hope that cat went to pee on them.

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