Keep Writing with Pride!

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Choose one of the following song quotes and keep writing! Remember, you need to choose only one quote, then keep writing the story

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Choose one of the following song quotes and keep writing! Remember, you need to choose only one quote, then keep writing the story. We expect you to use one quote per entry and not multiple in one entry.

1. The land of love has no boundaries to those who've got the heart of a child.

-Marie Myriam, The Bird and the Child.

2. The best of people is the one who loves humans.

-Şenay, Wish Life Was A Festival.

3. I'm on my way from misery to happiness today.

-The Proclaimers, I’m on my way.

4. Ha ha ha, listen, my friends! At last I have a lover, too.

-Yasemin Kumral, Bimbambom.

5. You think I'd crumble. You think I'd lay down and die. Oh no, not I, I will survive!

-Gloria Gaynor, I will survive.


❤ You have no comment limit but your entries should be a maximum of 100 words.

❤ Our challenge will end on July 7th and all winners will be announced immediately after the winners of the Coffee & Pride Contest!

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