Chapter 22 - 505 - Arctic Monkeys

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean Kozume?"

"Because I knew you would just be so good together but fuck not like this. Kuroo listened to me but you're so stubborn y/n. Fuck, so goddamn stubborn and naive. And Tetsurou, you lucky piece of shit, fuck you." Kenma said looking up at Kuroo who's smile dropped

"...Kuroo listened...? What are you talking about Kozume?" You looked at Kenma and then your boyfriend who was glaring at Kenma.

"Baby... Okay, remember when you told me that you saw Kenma's texts, like the ones from me before the party." Kuroo started, he took a seat on the bean bag chair opposite you and Kenma. "Well... I just... " He started to blush and he turned his head away. "I've liked you for a long ass time." Kuroo looked at Kenma who had somewhat of a death stare going on and you were confused as to why your best friend was looking at him like that.

Your jaw dropped open and you looked straight at him. He turned his head back at you and was staring into your eyes. Your mouth curled into a smile and you smirked at Kuroo.

"That's why... When we were alone I just started to talk to you more and more and I just... I don't know when you told me that I just wanted to kiss you right then and there, which I did and I guess it worked somehow..."

"WAIT SO YOU KISSED HER AND DIDN'T TELL ME! AT THE STUPID FUCKING PARTY? FUCK I SHOULD'VE WENT TOO!" Kenma screamed, earning a look over from other customers who were shopping. "FUCK YOU TESTEROU ABSOLOUTLEY FUCK YOU!" Kenma yelled, tears streaming down his face.

"Do you want us to tell you everything that happened Kozume?" You questioned him.

"Please do, tell me about your sex life..." Kenma said sarcastically. "... WAIT, what about that Akaashi kid?" Kenma sounded pissed off and confused.

"Oh..." You looked at Kuroo and he smirked a little, you rolled your eyes at him and started to talk about the situation. "So... I fucked him, yes, but that's because I was mad at Kuroo and it just... That was the first time he and I hung out alone and I... I liked Kuroo at that point... I just felt so bad at the fact that I did that..."

"Anyways, so we've been spending a lot of time studying together and that just pulled us closer... So remember when she ran into your dorm room crying?" Kuroo was doing the talking now, "We uh... One thing lead to another and... She was in my bed again." Kenma looked at the two of you and tears started to form in his eyes again.

"Listen, I never wanted to tell you this... But fuck it, there's no point of hoping anyways, you've always seen me as a just a friend and I've accepted it but you've never let me or just... fuck I can't do this." Kenma said in a really soft and gentle tone. This surprised you because you have seen him as a best friend your whole life and you didn't want that to change. He was important to you.

"Kozume..." Kuroo started talking but was cut off by Kenma.

"No, I've had it with you Kuroo, how could you?"

"What...? Why are you.. Kozume what's going on?" At this point you were irritated and didn't know what to do, your two favourite people were... fighting? You weren't sure.

"Kenma don't, please..." Kuroo pleaded as Kenma opened his mouth.

"Y/n, I'm in love with you and I always have been and it just kills me that you never saw it once." Kenma said as your eyes widened and Kuroo's head bowed down, as if he knew the words slipped out of his mouth. "Neither of you say anything please, it'll just.... Hurt more than it does. FUCK. This is why I never do emotions. I hate emotions. Fuck." Kenma let out a whimper as his lip quivered. "I thought since Kuroo fucked up with you after the project, it would give me a chance. But I guess the fuck not because the next thing you go off and do is fuck another boy."

You didn't know how to react. You didn't really expect this to happen. Of course you had feelings for Kenma when you were younger and hearing these words come out of his mouth might have sparked your dormant feelings for him.

"Kozume... I-..." You looked at Kuroo who had a look on his face like already knew what you were going to say. "Listen... If I knew this... Even earlier in life... Kenma, I did like you."

You looked at Kenma whose eyes widened and Kuroo as he dropped his eyes to the ground. Again you were conflicted, you hurt both the people you loved the most and you didn't know what to do.

"Kozume... I just... Kuroo... I need time to think, time from both of you maybe." You said catching the eyes of both of them.

"Baby.. What..?" Kuroo said, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh, don't use the fucking 'baby' card, you broke fucking bro code." Kenma said brutally back. "You KNEW how I felt."

"AND you knew how I felt, sorry I wasn't a pussy about it and acted on my feelings." Kuroo spat back.

"OH FUCK YOU! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I WOULD'VE BUT NO. KUROO GETS WHAT HE WANTS!" Kenma shouted getting up off his bean bag and stormed out of the store, leaving you and Kuroo alone.

"WAIT KOZUME! Fuck Tetsurou, why'd you have to say that?" You tried to reach him but you couldn't in time. Tetsurou pulled you into a light hug, knowing you were distraught. "Tetsurou.... I need..."

"Yeah I know, I'll let you be for a bit. Just know I love you."

"I know, I-"

"I know my angel. You can decide that later, I'm sorry, I don't want you to lose him."

"Thank you." The two of you left the store and started heading back towards your school.


Uh oh :))) drama.

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