Start from the beginning

"Maybe when I get older, she'll be more accepting." Rhea tried to sprinkle a bit of hopefulness in her tone for Eddie's sake, but she didn't know how much good it would do. "Perhaps when I come of age she'll let us be together."

"Do you honestly believe she will?" Eddie asked sadly. "My dad's always wondering why I spend so much time in the treehouse and Andrew told him it's because I'm seeing a girl. I want you to meet them, Rhea, and I'd love to meet your family too. I just don't want to hide anymore."

Rhea swallowed, her heart thundering in her chest at the idea of introducing Eddie to her family and meeting his. Rhea never spent much time daydreaming about the future (She was a rather practical child who had always known what was expected of her), but she could see it all so clearly. Eddie was right when he said a love like theirs wouldn't come around twice. She didn't think there would be anyone else who'd be willing to love her — flaws and all — like he did. Rhea took a deep breath.

"I'll tell her on my sixteenth birthday. I'll tell my whole family the truth and . . . I don't care if they disown me. I'd give it all up for you." Eddie's expression colored with adoration when he looked at her. He knew how much Rhea valued family and how much she cherished their approval yet she was willing to give it up for him. Eddie planted a soft kiss on Rhea's cheek and brought her in for another hug that made a soft smile form on her face.

Rhea spent the next few hours with Eddie before she made her way back to Hel House. She could hear footsteps throughout the house and felt a sinking sensation in her chest when she realized her mother was home.

Suddenly, Pluto rounded the corner, a wide grin on his face.

"Rhea," Pluto greeted her cheerfully. Rhea raised her brow at her brother, wondering what it was that had him so excited. "Mum took me to Diagon Alley to buy a new owl. I think I'm going to name her Bonehilde."

"That's wonderful, Pluto. I have something I need to tell you." Rhea grabbed her brother's wrist and pulled him into the study where she knew they wouldn't be overheard. She glanced at the portrait of their parents that hung over the desk. Pluto leaned closer to her conspiratorially, eager to hear her secret. "I told Eddie I was going to tell Mum about us on our sixteenth birthday."

Pluto's eyes widened.

"Really? Merlin, Rhea, how do you think she'll take it?" Pluto frowned. Rhea sighed.

"I know how she'll take it. I've always known how she'll react. She already killed my last Muggle friend. Imagine what she'd do if she met my Muggle boyfriend." Rhea shook her head angrily. "I refuse to live my life in fear of our mother any longer. After I tell her, Eddie and I will leave and I'm never coming back."

"Rhea," Pluto gasped, staring at her with a shocked expression. "You can't leave —"

"I don't have any other choice, Pluto. I love Eddie and I want to be with him, but we can't do that if we're stuck in Wiltshire." Rhea said, exasperated, frustrated her brother didn't support her decision.

"Has Eddie put these thoughts in your head?" Pluto frowned. Rhea rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Don't be ridiculous. Eddie was the one who suggested running away first, but I'm not a foolish girl who is easily swayed because a boy made me a few promises. I know what I want and I want him. I don't have all the details planned out, but I'm sure I can figure something out." Rhea tilted her head thoughtfully, her mind spinning when she thought about all of the preparation she would have to do. She was going to run away.

"What about me?" Pluto asked, sadly. "You're just going to leave me here?"

"You'll be fine without me, Pluto. As long as Mum's alive, she'll protect you and when you're ready then you'll start protecting yourself. Promise that you'll support me through this?" Rhea asked, her eyes silently pleading with him. Pluto opened his mouth, ready to say something, but decided against it. There was a conflicted look in his eye but, slowly, he nodded his head. Rhea let out a breath of relief and wrapped her arms around him. Pluto gaped at her, surprised that she hugged him. "I always knew I could count on you to look out for me, Pluto. I don't say enough, but you're the best brother I could've asked for."

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