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"Oh, I don't know. I mean.." Monroe trails off. "Fighting for sport isn't unique to Wesen. If there's money in it, I'm sure they could be pulling that gladiator crap today."

"Okay. What.. what if a Lowen was capturing other Wesen and forcing them to fight?" Nick asks.

"Look — a hundred years ago, there was always a Wesen disappearing from some hamlet, you know? But nowadays, I don't know.." Monroe shakes his head.

"Well, let's say for argument sake these fights were still happening. How do we find out more about them?" Isabelle inquires.

"I don't know, guys. Lowen keep to themselves. The price mentality." Monroe says. "But I do know a guy who knows a guy who's, like, marginally into the fight thing. I could.."

"No, Monroe. You don't need to be.." Isabelle starts.

"We'd be happy for the help." Nick smiles.

"Wow." Monroe gasps picking up a morning star off the table. "Can you imagine getting hit with one of these? That's got to be a bell ringer."

✯               ✯               ✯

Isabelle could barely focus all morning due to the fact that Monroe was meeting with someone who knew about the fights and took part in the betting. Other than her family Isabelle had never been much of a worrier, but ever since meeting Monroe and learning about the world of Grimms and Wesen she felt like she hasn't been able to do anything else. Hearing her phone ring she immediately answers it as Monroe's name lights up her screen.

"Hey, are you okay?" Isabelle asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Monroe assures her. "I've got a line on a fight. It's tonight."

"Where is it?" Isabelle questions.

"I don't know. I'm supposed to meet some guy at six." Monroe responds. "Yeah. And he's gonna tell me where."

"Monroe, I really don't think.." Isabelle starts.

"Don't worry, Iz. I'm gonna be fine. I'm not fighting anyone. I'm just getting the info." Monroe reminds her.

"Call me the second you get the information." Isabelle instructs. "Me and Nick will take it from there."

"So, what did he find out?" Nick inquires as Isabelle hangs up.

"There's gonna be a fight tonight. But he doesn't know where. He's gonna meet some guy tonight that's going to give him that information." Isabelle explains. "And that's where we go in and be the badasses that we are."

"I've got a line on the owner of that warehouse." Hank announces as he sits on Nick's desk. "Died years ago. The place is in probate. The city is trying to get rid of it, but nobody's taking responsibility."

"Abandoned warehouse, nobody around." Nick says.

"Making it an easy playground for an illegal fight club." Isabelle muses.

"That's what I'm thinking." Hank agrees.

"Did you guys interview a Bryan Cooney in connection with the Weller murders?" Renard asks walking over to them.

Beginnings ➣ Monroe [1]Where stories live. Discover now