Vergil turned around and started walking away, but was interrupted by Roland yelling at him with his sword poised to stab him in the gut.

In the blink of an eye, Roland's sword was deflected by something. In his eyes, Vergil himself was standing still, expecting him to continue. With years of training he expertly maneuvered his sword to try and swipe at Vergil, only to be blocked again by something.

Years and years of training allowed Roland to continue the onslaught but each strike is clearly being parried by something. Soon, exhaustion slowed down his movements and in a blink he felt himself go weightless and a stinging pain can be felt on his chin.

He landed on the dirt with a thud. Bouncing three times before stopping, the Woman was confused to why was Roland on the ground without any reason whatsoever.

Vergil: How disappointing... You are painfully slow, each strike is so by the book that I wouldn't even dare acknowledge. How arrogant can one person get? Did all that fame and "glory" went and made a mansion in your brain? Your swordsmanship is inadequate, even a child can predict your movements. Did you seriously expect your opponent to not fight back? Or dodge such a slow attack?

Vergil continued to chew out Roland and looking under his hood, his face clearly disgusted by how Roland's training with a sword was wasted on someone like him.

Vergil: Even "He" has better technique than you. Such a shame, I was expecting more out of these so called "Heroes"

Roland to simply say is pissed. With a growl, he stood up and faced Vergil with a burning hatred.

Roland: Nora, give me all supporting spells you know.

Nora: But that would kill you!

Roland: I don't care! I cannot be humiliated by such an arrogant nobody! I will make him regret those words, you hear me? Now use them!

Nora hesitated but complied nonetheless, she started an incantation and a magic circle. Roland started to glow various colors, indicating that he is boosted to the highest degree.

Roland charged, far faster than before. He went of an overhead slash but missed his target that wasn't even looking at him.

Vergil was intrigued to say at least, his speech clearly pushed the man to his limits but sadly for him, Vergil is still disappointed. Sure the ground where the blade met has a large gash that almost reached the Village walls but to Vergil, the power on the swing is still inadequate.

Vergil: Oh? So you decided to go all out... I'm intrigued... Yet, still extremely disappointed.

A growl escaped Roland's lips as he tried for another swing, only for Vergil to dodge by jumping over the sword. As Vergil landed, he dodged again by jumping back to avoid a stab.

Roland continued his fruitless onslaught while Vergil didn't even sweat. Each swing is dodged with only a millimeter off of actually cutting Vergil's cloak.

Vergil himself is clearly toying with the man, seeing how much more can he do before burning himself out.

Vergil dodged down as a fireball flew over his head. He smirked underneath his hood, finding out that Nora was not just some battery for Roland and clearly is powerful enough to cast such a huge fireball.

Vergil backflipped to dodge both a sweep from Roland and a wave of water that Nora shot out from her magic circle.

Vergil: Impressive, clearly this isn't your first tango... But still could use more coordination.

Vergil's eyes widened when a sword almost pierced him between his eyes. However, Vergil is still faster than that.

Vergil himself avoided the strike but the same couldn't be said to his newly bought cloak. Which is skewered by Roland's blade, revealing his image to his opponents and his three bystanders

His platinum white hair reflected a bit of the sun as his scowl caused both Roland and Nora to stop them on their tracks.

Vergil clicked his tongue and wiped away a layer of dust from his shoulder. To which even Roland knew is by far the most arrogant move one could pull in a battle.

Vergil: Congratulations... You have managed to separate me and my cloak. A round of applause everyone.

Roland only frowned and charged. Only to be thrown back by the sheer power of Vergil's parry.

Vergil raised Yamato to parry Roland's strike, causing a shockwave to form and blasted him away.

Vergil: I was planning on taking it easy with you but now... I'll make sure not even a drop of blood will remain.

Roland was confused to Vergil's bold claim, but was ultimately defeated when Vergil seemingly teleported behind him with Yamato halfway sheathed.

He then felt himself go numb as the click of Yamato being fully sheathed triggered something. He looked down, seemingly confused to why the ground was slowly approaching his head. His vision spun and stopped right to where he can fully see his body standing motionless... Without a head.

As if the body realized that it was headless. Blood gushed out of the stump to where the neck used to be and droplets of red rained upon the ground.

Nora was more than shocked as her body trembled after seeing Roland's head roll under her feet. Fear clouded her mind as she lets out a bloodcurdling screech after seeing Roland's head blink as if confused why he was on the ground.

She fell on her behind as Vergil stood up and walked towards her. The air around him seemed to crackle with lightning and his eyes glowed a piercing electrical blue.

Vergil: Heroes... The name itself is tainted by mass murderers and racist genocidal maniacs... Here I thought Heroes were supposed to be the people's protectors from those who dare try and harm them. Yes, I agree that the Mamono are wiping the human population by converting every men into incubi while the women as whatever monster got to them first. But seeing that they changed after the recent Demon Lord took over and changed them from rabid animals to people with feelings and personalities. To think a well disciplined and political agreement to research ways to prevent men from turning into Incubi or even produce human males and females wasn't even thought into existence really makes me consider the intelligence of your leaders.

Vergil took a breath. And leveled Yamato to Nora's throat.

Vergil: I admit, the Demon Lord's goal is admirable but she lacked foresight. Worse even this Chief God didn't even try to help but instead try to kill every single one of the Mamono species really grinds on my nerves. You can call me a heretic or a suicidal bastard... But what I'm about to say right now is the truth... All of them are fools.

With a swing if his blade, Nora's vision went black.

My oh my... What is this... Seriously... Seems like Vergil's continuous adventure within Fumiko's library revealed something to him that many Mamono doesn't even know. But enough of that, what do you guys think? Good? Good. Thank you all for reading this chapter and well SOUL out!

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