Chapter 9

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"What happened to your wife?", Abhay shouted as he entered Mathur's Residence.

Ravi was sitting in his rocking chair, reminscing his happy old days, when Abhay's voice broke his trance.

"Why you are here again?", Ravi shouted in irritation.

"Oh c'mon Mr Mathur, I am not here for your stubborness.. I have important work to do. Tell me how did your wife died?", Abhay said with annoyance.

"How is my wife's death, related to Alina's case?", Ravi asked in surprise.

"Oh! It is! It is related. Heena Mathur, your wife, I had seen her, in my home. My home was burnt...", Abhay spoke but before he could continue they heard a strange noise as of a vase falling.

They both came outside the house, that's when Ravi saw a cat running away from them.

"Oh, it was a cat!", Ravi said.

Abhay nodded and turned to enter the house, but just then he grabbed someone's hand from behind, which he had already seen from his eagle eyes. He pushed the person on the floor.

Meera was horrified. She stood up with shaking legs. She was caught now.

"Meera, what are you doing here?", Abhay shouted as he found that person to be Meera.

"I...I just came here to meet Uncle.. then I saw you entering, so I thought to wait for you to return.", Meera stuttered and avoided his gaze.

"Oh really? I think you were eavesdropping!", Abhay exclaimed and grabbed her forearm.

Meera looked into Abhay's eyes. It was similar, similar pair of eyes, which she had witnessed during her little childhood. She smiled as she recognize that her brother has finally become an officer.


"Juhi! I will become a police officer", Abhay said while watching the movie.

Juhi was bored of his brother's always changing dreams. He always wanted to become something from the movie he watches.

"Bhai, you can't become a police officer", Juhi said with a sad face.

"Why not?", Abhay frowned.

"Oh bhai! Look at the hero (she said pointing towards the actor in movie) and look at you(now pointing towards Abhay) he is epitome of power and strength while you are just a bundle of timidness!", Juhi laughed.

And then there started a pillow fight, tearing all the pillows of the house and spreading feathers all over the floor.


"Bhai!", She spoke and then fell on the floor, unconscious.

A/N: Thought of clearing your confusion a little! So now how many of you are sure that Juhi is Meera?

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