Chapter 8

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Four people are seen, kneeling down on the floor. Their eyes were closed and were blindfolded by a black cloth. Their hands were tied with a rope at the back. It seemed like a family was held hostage.

A man wearing black hoodie with a gun in his hand approached the young boy who was one of the four hostages. Young boy heard footsteps approaching towards him, he started panicking.

Just then he heard a gun shot. The black hoodie man panicked. He didn't shoot, then from where does this sound came? Black hoodie man ran out of the house as he heard someone entering the house.

A woman and a girl entered the burning house and started opening ropes of the hostages. They were successful in releasing them, but they all were now trapped in that house which was on fire.

The girl, using her wits broke the window. She rescued his sister. But then he saw his parents collapsing due to lack of oxygen. The woman was also struggling. He helped the woman, but the ceiling with fire parted them. Woman gestured him to leave. He didn't leave, but then he heard his sister's wail. He came out to find her wailing in the girl's arms. His sister ran towards him for a hug. He calmed her. But then the girl, went inside his house shouting 'Mumma'. Probably the woman was her mother. His sister too followed her inside. And then the house blasted...BOOM!

"Juhi!", Abhay shouted as he saw the nightmare, which was the truth of his past.

He wiped his tears and sweat from his face. He was busy looking at the album, when he suddenly slept. He saw the album still placed over his desk. He held it, and after giving it a last look he closed it. Just then he dropped the album, and a photo popped out from the album. He picked the album, and took the photo out.

The photo was of a young man, who was looking like Ravi Mathur, a little girl on Ravi's arms and a young woman, who seemed like Ravi's wife. He gave a last look to the photo and placed it on the album again. No soon he placed, his face was horrified. He again took the photo out and was horrified to find the young woman having the same features as THAT WOMAN, who helped him ten years ago, in that fire accident.

Abhay rushed to his cabin, where his softboard was hung. He added that woman's photo in it.

"So, she is Heena Mathur. The same woman who helped me...It means that girl who tried to save Juhi was Alina Mathur? But how come she escape from that blast? Does it mean, that Juhi is alive too? God, this case is getting more confusing!", Abhay shouted in vexation.

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