Chapter 7

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"waiting for the silent readers to vote " by tapping the foot on floor .

"Drooling over parth samthaan and Param singh"

Feeling glares of my lovely readers .

"Snapped out of my daydreaming "

"Chuckles  nervously "

"So here is the next update,you ask for "

Again continue  daydreaming about Parth and Param "

The Rajput family went at night after dinner. Shivanya went to her room and was thinking about the series of events which happened , then suddenly she realised she met Kabir that day,that's why his voice was so similiar.

She sighted and hugged her baby tightly and slept. She was already tired already so she didn't have any energy to think about anything!!

On the other end Kabir was confused about his behaviour,he didn't know how he easily agreed to marry shivanya,he didn't know what was that about her attracted him, was it her face full of innocence or her eyes in which he saw some hidden pain or her smile which was so beautiful that he can't take off his eyes from her or was it her blush that made him feel something.

He sighed and Muttered 'shivanya, what are you doing with me'

Shivaay called 'Anika' she picked up the call in 3rd ring and instead of saying hello she said "is shivanya fine,did she like him ,how was he,is he good enough for our shivi , she might need someone should I come there .. bholiye na billu ji ,bhigi billi ki tarah kyu behave kar rahe hai app"

Shivaay rolled his eyes and listen to her smiling and said " Anika she is fine and sleeping ,why you can come for me too ,I like Kabir,I think.."

She cut him in the middle and said "it doesn't matter you like him or not ,you are not gonna marry him,it about Shivi did she like him"

"What the fuck , yaar Anika seriously I like him for shivi not for me and he also liked our shivi I think because he was looking at her all the time,and you know what I saw today "Shivaay said

"Kya jaldi bataiye na Shivaay "she whined

"Our shivi was blushing today , I have never seen her blushing ,you know my baby sister was looking so cute while blushing for a second I want to beat the shit of that Kabir for making her blush,but instead of that I talked with him that too calmly" he said

Anika started laughing and said "you talked to him ,that too calmly I don't believe you I know you might have give some warning to him and a list of do's and don'ts and also you might have said I will kill you if you don't keep my shivi happy "

Shivaay blushed in embarrassment because whatever she was saying was correct . They both talked for a while ,and both slept thinking about each other.

In morning shivanya was in deep sleep , didn't woke up even when her 7th alarm ringed , Shivaay was getting irritated because of her multiple alarms ,he went her room and started walking her by shaking her arms and calling her name, but she swatted his hand saying"shiv sone do "

He can't help,his sister is so adorable he can't be angry at her despite her alarms. He started tickling her ,and within 2 min ,she woke up laughing .Deep and Asha (Shivaay and shivanya's parents) stood at the door of her room and saw their adorable bond and smiled.

After a few minutes of tickling each other, Shivanya went to freshen up and got ready for hospital. She hurriedly went to the dining table, wished her parents morning,and ate her breakfast. She was going to call her driver,when Shivaay said "shivi ,I will drop you today,in return driver uncle will come "

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