18. Dead or Alive

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"I'm guessing this isn't your first attempt then?" Tyler asked.

"Fifth," Lyle grit out.

"Don't worry, we'll make it this time," James said, casting a quick glance in Raephier's direction.

Jacob felt Raephier tense up beside him and wished he could place a reassuring hand on him without it being noticed.

"Yeah, well I don't mean to put added pressure on, but you really need to make it this time," Doug said. "I'm not sure how much longer they can hold off. Gramps was talking about surrendering if we don't get back before the month is out."

"No! They can't do that!" Pete said desperately. "They'll take everything! They'll bleed the land dry of all resources then disappear as quickly as they came, leaving us with nothing."

Everyone went quiet as a somber mood settled across the group.

It was Tyler who broke the silence.

"I don't believe we've been introduced," he said, turning to Raephier.

Raephier's eyes went wide.

"I'm sorry," Jacob said to Tyler. "This is Raephier."

"Raephier," Tyler repeated. "That's an unusual name. Where you from?"

"Oh a long way away from here," Raephier replied.

"And are you part of Jacob's crew?" Tyler asked.

"Erm," Raephier said, shooting Jacob a nervous glance.

"No, he's not crew, but he is a guest on board my ship," Jacob replied.

"Captain?" Lyle said through gritted teeth.

Jacob understood why Lyle was concerned. They made a decision that they would keep Raephier's presence a secret on board, but now there were several crew mates around the table that had just become aware of him. They might not know what he was capable of, but there was no hiding him anymore.

"Have you got a problem Lyle?" Jacob asked with a tone that suggested it wasn't wise to disagree with him.

"I'm sorry, but he can't be trusted!" he said in a low voice.

"Can't be trusted?" Tyler said in surprise. "This guy saved Jacob's life back there! I think he's more than earned his place on the ship!"

"What?!" Pete said, turning to look at Jacob.

Jacob rubbed the back of his neck.

"We happened upon Tyler in a spot of bother with some men," Jacob explained. "A fight broke out, and after the men had conceded defeat, one of them decided to try to attack me from behind. Raephier stopped them."

"Stopped them how?" Lyle asked, looking uneasy.

"With a piece of wood!" Tyler answered with a grin. "It was amazing! Knocked that bastard clean out. And a big man he was too!"

Jacob looked over at Raephier who was squirming around in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

"Like Tyler said," Jacob added, "Raephier more than earned his place on my ship."

"Well, welcome aboard Raephier!" James said with a grin.

Lyle said nothing. He just sat back on his seat with his arms folded across his chest.

"So what did the men want with you Tyler?" asked Pete.

"Oh you're not gonna believe this!" Jacob said laughing.

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