17. Enjoy the View

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Raephier couldn't remember the last time he had felt this excited. His stomach felt like there was a shoal of Guppies in there, their fan tails tickling the sides of his stomach.

When Sally had knocked on his door a couple of hours after the Captain had left, asking if there was anything he needed, Raephier had asked whether it was possible to get a bucket of water to have a wash.

Imagine his surprise when Sally led him to a tub that held enough water for him to be able to actually get in it!!

The strangest thing happened though when he got into the tub. The moment the whole of his lower body was submerged into water, his legs turned back into a tail! He didn't realise just how much he'd missed it until he was staring at the iridescent blue and purple shimmering scales as he gently fanned it through the water, the sensation bringing back so many happy memories. What he would have given just then to have been able to go for a swim.

Movement from outside the washroom brought Raephier back to the task in hand and he used another of those slippery bars to clean everywhere he could, including his hair.

It was quite an effort trying to get out of the bath with a tail, but thankfully the moment he plopped over the edge onto the floor his tail disappeared and his legs were back.

An hour later and Raephier was dressed, his hair had received a trim from Sally and he was pacing up and down the room in eager anticipation for Jacob's return.

When Jacob did enter the room, Raephier couldn't help the big smile that stretched across his face as he bounced up and down slightly on the balls of his feet.

"Wow, Raephier, look at you!" Jacob said in surprise as he stepped into the room.

Raephier willed his cheeks not to blush, but he knew that they wouldn't listen as he felt a warmth stretch across his face.

"I feel under-dressed now," said Jacob, going over to the small wardrobe and selecting something clean to wear. "This is beginning to feel like a date!"

"A what?" Raephier asked, not sure whether that was a good or bad thing.

"A- you know what, it doesn't matter," Jacob said, and Raephier couldn't help but notice he looked a little uncomfortable.

I guess a date must be a bad thing then.

Before he could dwell on it further, Jacob shut the wardrobe then strode over to Raephier with his clothes draped over his arm.

"I'm just going to go and get washed up and dressed, and then we'll get out of here. I've got a surprise for you," he said, before he winked at Raephier and then left the room with a definite spring in his step.

"Huh," Raephier said to himself, slightly bemused.

He made a decision that he wasn't going to overthink things. Jacob seemed to be excited about tonight, and Raephier could say he definitely was, so he was determined that he was going to just relax and enjoy it. And hopefully by doing that it would turn out to be nothing like a 'date' after all.

By the time Jacob was leading him out of the door, Raephier was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Have a lovely time!" Sally shouted to them as they walked out of the inn, and Raephier could have sworn he saw Sally wink at Jacob when he replied that they would.

The air outside had a slight chill to it, but Raephier was grateful for that as it cooled down his fevered body.

"Where are we going?" Raephier asked.

"To my favourite spot," Jacob replied, leading Raephier away from town and onto a narrow path that had quite a steep incline to it. By the time they reached their destination, Raephier was totally out of breath and the top of his legs felt like they were on fire.

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