14. Cursed

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(Flashback continued....)

Raephier and Jas hadn't been back for more than half an hour when suddenly the water started churning and a deep rumble shook the sea bed.

"Is it an earthquake?" Raephier heard someone ask among the panic.

"No, look!"

Raephier looked towards where everyone was pointing and could see what looked like a storm moving through the ocean towards them.

The water swirled in a moving mass, which was lit up by flashes of light.

"It's Persula!" Raephier heard someone shout, and he felt his blood run cold.

Immediately Raephier's eyes began to seek out Jas.

Their eyes locked, and even from several meters away, Raephier could see the colour drain from Jas's face.

"Oh Raephier! What have you done now," his mum muttered from beside him.

He wished with all his heart that he could snap at his mum for making assumptions that this was his doing, but if he even attempted to open his mouth to try to explain, he was sure he'd be sick.

There were screams and shouts as everyone grabbed onto something to anchor themselves down from the strong erratic currents.

Raephier would have been swept away if his mum hadn't dragged him to some nearby rocks which he then clung to out of instinct.

As quickly as it arrived, the swirling and rumbling stopped.

Raephier lifted his head to see Persula, stretched up to her full size, hovering in the centre of their gathering.

"Where is the King and Queen?!" she demanded.

There was some movement, and then the King and Queen swam out from behind a rock.

"Your Majesties," Persula said with a slight bow.

Persula may have been the most powerful being here, but she always showed the King and Queen respect.

"Persula, what brings you here?" the King asked, looking up at her.

Persula towered over him, since she'd puffed herself up to about 3 times her normal size.

Raephier could see that the King was trying not to look nervous, but everyone knew that a large Sea Witch was an angry Sea Witch, and an angry Sea Witch was something to be feared. Raephier wondered whether Jas had managed to tell his father anything in all the confusion.

"I'm here to talk to your son, and Raephier."

Raephier felt himself tremble slightly on hearing his name.

"Why do you want to speak to my son?" the King asked.

Raephier glanced around but could see no sign of Jas. He hoped that he would continue to stay hidden.

"Because," said the Sea Witch, bending down to put her face closer to the Kings, "he had the nerve to turn down my daughter!"

The King let out a slight chuckle.

"Surely that's his right and his choice. I'm sure he didn't intend to disappoint your daughter. I know that he is very fond of her."

Persula stared long and hard at the King, and to his credit he maintained her gaze until she straightened up again and started to look around.

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