33. Sing to Me

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A/N First of two updates today.

If Jacob didn't still have hold of his arm, sending sparks through his body, Raephier would have been positive he was dreaming. Dreams, afterall, never made much sense. They always seemed to jump from one scenario to another without rhyme or reason, leaving you not quite sure how to recount the bizarre chain of events to uninterested listeners the following morning.

"Can you do it?" Jacob asked, pulling Raephier's attention away from the ever increasing chaos and onto Jacob's request.

Could he do it? Could he sing?

"Please?" Jacob added and the pleading in his eyes made Raephier want to curl up into a ball in the hope that it was actually a dream.

"I want to help," he said to Jacob, "I'm just not sure how."

A flash of uncertainty flickered across Jacob's features.

"But you've done it before, haven't you?"

"Yes, but only once," Raephier said, looking around nervously.

"Captain!" came a shout from across the deck and Raephier and Jacob turned to see Lyle and Tyler being tied up by a couple of pirates.

"Damn it!" Jacob exclaimed loudly, making Raephier flinch.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" Raephier said quickly, wanting this to be over as soon as possible.

Jacob gave him a big beaming smile.

"But what about your men?" Raephier asked. There was no way he could sing with Jacob's men here.

"All of them have their ears plugged," Jacob said with a grin. "They won't hear a thing."

"Oh, right, that's good," Raephier said, suddenly feeling a little easier. But then another thought struck him.

"But what about you?"

"Here, look," Jacob said, producing something from his pocket. "I'll put these in as soon as you're ready."

"Right," Raephier said again, still feeling like he was having some sort of out of body experience. "So who do I sing to?"

"I'll leave that up to you," Jacob said. "I need to go before..."

And he didn't get any further than that before two pirates grabbed hold of Raephier and started dragging him backwards.

"Hey get off me!" he shouted at the two brutish men who had vice-like grips on his arms.

"You're going back in your cage," one of them grumbled, "boss's orders."

"Raephier! Do it!" Jacob shouted.

Raephier craned his neck to see Jacob and watched helplessly as Jacob was crashed into by a bald headed pirate which sent the two small plugs in his hand flying across the deck.

"Jacob!" Raephier shouted in desperation.

"DO IT!" Jacob shouted again, while wrestling with the bald man on top of him.

Fortunately the pirate's sword was still in his belt and he was having trouble getting it out seen as his hands were busy trying to keep Jacob pinned.

"I CAN'T" Raephier shouted back. There was no way he could sing now. It would mean certain death for Jacob. If he thought the pirates were bloodthirsty now, he could only imagine what they would be like when affected by his song. And Jacob had no weapons, and the only other members of his crew on the ship were tied up, unable to help.


Raephier looked around him. The pirates were bringing more weapons out of the hold. He saw one loading up a pistol. There were another two preparing to swing across onto Jacob's ship. On Jacob's ship he could see the outline of two men locked in a sword fight.

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