16. The Smell of a Goblin

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As soon as Jacob walked out, Sally rushed into the kitchen to find Barny.

"Barny, you'll have to hold the fort for a while, I'm going out."

Barny's eyes widened and he made a noise of alarm, but Sally didn't have the time to worry about it.

"You'll be fine," she said instead, with as much reassurance as possible. "I'll be as quick as I can."

Sally grabbed her shawl and a pair of gloves and hurried off into the bustling streets of the small town.

She lifted her chin slightly, subtly taking in big lungfuls of air through her nose.

She had to find Fingers before Jacob did. He may have gotten a head start in his search, but she knew something Jacob didn't. Sally knew the smell of a Goblin. Especially that snivelling little weasel Fingers.

Within seconds Sally caught his repugnant scent and followed it through the back alleys of the town. She found him exactly where she expected. Lurking in the shadows near a back door of a tavern, no doubt listening in to someone's conversation unnoticed.

Sally took a quick glance around to make sure no one was looking, then swiftly gripped Fingers by his collar and pulled him roughly into her side.

"Hello Muki," she whispered into his ear before he had time to react.

"For fucks sake!" Fingers said, holding a hand to his chest. "You near gave me an 'eart attack you damn witch! And the name's Fingers!"

Sally smirked at him.

"If I happened to remove another, would that change to just Finger?"

Fingers gave Sally his best glare, but the witch was unperturbed.

"I need to talk to you," Sally said, finally letting Fingers go. "Follow me."

Fingers gave a longing look over his shoulder as if he was contemplating disappearing in the other direction, but Sally knew he wouldn't. There was no point when she'd just find him again in seconds.

Sally smiled when she heard his footsteps following close behind her.

She led Fingers away from the town and into some small woodland. As soon as they were far enough from any prying eyes and ears, she turned round and scrunched up her nose at the sight before her.

Sally disliked Goblins immensely.

"I've been speaking to an acquaintance of yours today," Sally said. "Does the name Raephier ring any bells?"

Fingers grinned.

"Aye, Raephier's one o' mine."

"One of yours?" Sally said with a raised eyebrow. "I heard he'd been sold to Jacob O'Reilly."

"Aye, that's true," Fingers said, still with that infuriating smile.

"But you sold him as a weapon, and Raephier's no weapon," Sally said.

"He could be though. Ain't my fault if they don't know 'ow to use him."

"You bastard," Sally growled, losing her patience. "He's a fucking boy, not a hunk of metal and rivots!"

If it was possible Fingers grinned even wider.

"Glad to see your lady like mask is slippin'"

"Oh I'm not afraid for you to see my true form you filthy goblin! If you hurt either one of them, you'll lose more than just your fingers!"

Fingers held his hands up in surrender.

"Keep your 'air on witch! I 'ave no mind to 'arm either of 'em."

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