Lyle's Story - The Middle

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I slept surprisingly well. I wasn't scared of death, but nor did I welcome it. I think that was part of being a sailor. I'd looked death in the face many times in my life, be it in the heart of a storm or at the end of a cutlass, but somehow I'd always made it through alive. Today would just be another one of those times.

The weather was calm but cloudy. I just hoped that the rain stayed away.

I watched as Harmony left dock, then set sail straight away. The larger ship would travel faster than me, but with the island only 20 miles away, I wouldn't be too far behind.

It wasn't long before I saw the small island on the horizon. I can't have been more than 100 yards long, and was raised only a couple of feet out of the water. But there didn't appear to be anyone there.

My boat sailed closer, the disappointment starting to settle in my stomach.

Had the Captain lied? Or was this the wrong island?

As my boat neared the shore, I held onto the slim hope that maybe part of the island was hidden. Maybe it dipped on the other side and the Siren was there?

I felt the bottom of my boat scrape across the ocean floor so I dropped anchor and jumped into the water. It came to just above my waist, but was warm enough as I waded the rest of the way.

I'd only just stepped out of the water when I sensed a presence nearby.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end when a figure appeared over the rocks, heading my way. A figure in a tattered green dress and fiery red hair that seemed to glow like a halo of fire.

It felt like the breath was sucked right out of my lungs. Most people were scared of monsters with fangs, or peeling flesh, or blood shot eyes. My monster had dainty feet, curly hair and a kind smile.

She was smiling.

Somehow that made it worse.

"Hello?" she said, walking over to me, like she was a neighbour coming to greet me in the street.

My mouth opened and shut a few times, words failing me.

"Captain Hawkins said you wanted to speak to me?" she tried again.

She was only about 5 yards away from me now and I couldn't help but stare. She looked just the same but different too. Was she older? That would make sense seen as it was nearly 25 years ago that I saw her kill my father. But had the monster actually aged at all? It was hard to tell when the pictures in my mind were seen through the eyes of a 5 year old child.

The smile on its face had started to waver, probably concerned over my reaction. Or lack thereof.

"Wait! I know you!" she said, suddenly smiling again. "I saw you with Raephier not so long ago. How is he? Are you two friends?"

Hearing Raephier's name was all it took to snap me out of my transe.

"Don't you fucking ask about him! He's not your concern!"

The Siren flinched back slightly at my outburst, her posture immediately going more defensive.

It was not lost on me that I didn't like the sound of Raephier's name on her lips. That I had felt an urge to defend him from this beast. Yet to all intents and purposes, he was the same.

"What's your business with me?" she asked, her tone now abrupt and to the point.


I felt my hand instinctively move towards my side where my dad's fishing knife was hidden from sight, but I stopped before I got too close.

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