18. Dead or Alive

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Jacob couldn't quite believe that Tyler was walking next to him.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Jacob asked. "Who brought you?"

"Brought me?" Tyler said laughing. "I'm 18 now Jacob, I can bring myself!"

"18???! Shit!"

"Yes, you've been gone for three years, you know. They think you're all dead."

"What?" Jacob said, snapping his head round to look at Tyler.

"They think you're dead," Tyler repeated, like it was an everyday occurrence that someone announced your family had given up on you.

"Everyone?" Jacob asked in disbelief.

"Well, not everyone. I mean people don't like to say it outloud, but the fact they sent me and Doug to try to get some supplies, shows that they've given up on you ever coming back."

Tyler pushed open the door of a Tavern and without really thinking about it, Jacob followed him inside.

"Captain!" he heard being shouted across the room and he turned to see most of his crew sat at the tables by the window.

It wasn't until he caught Pete's shocked expression that he remembered that he still had Raephier by his side. He tensed up ready for an onslaught of questions, but thankfully there was someone else there to distract them.

"Tyler!!!" James said, crashing into Tyler and giving him a bone crushing hug. "What you doing here boy?"

Tyler pulled back and rolled his eyes, although his face was practically splitting in half his smile was so wide.

"As I said to your main man here, I'm 18 now. And we got sick of waiting for you guys so me and Doug have come to try to get supplies."

More of the crew had now gathered round Tyler, many patting him on the back and ruffling his hair.

"It's dangerous, you shouldn't be here," grumbled an angry looking Lyle, but he still pulled Tyler in for a quick hug.

"Yeah well I had no choice," Tyler said. And for the first time since Jacob had laid eyes on him, he saw pain flash across his face.

"What do you mean?" Jacob asked.

Tyler just shook his head and looked down.

"It means our people are in trouble," came a voice from behind, and Jacob swung round to see Doug, another man who was a child last time Jacob had seen him.

Jacob and his crew greeted Doug as they'd done Tyler, but it was much more subdued due to the concern about the news from back home.

Everyone sat back down, and Jacob pulled up a chair next to him and gestured for Raephier to sit.

"What do you mean our people are in trouble?" James asked.

"Literally nothing has come in or out since you left," Doug said. "And last year the floods were worse than usual and so a lot of the crops were lost. People are going hungry, our homes are getting old and are in need of repair, and everyone is just spending all of their time and energy on keeping our enemies out. The kids aren't going to school. Disease is spreading like wildfire and people are giving up."

Jacob dropped his head into his hands and rubbed his temples.

"We'll make it this time," James said, putting his hand on Doug's shoulder. "We have a plan, don't we, Captain?"

Jacob did his best effort at a smile.

"Yes. My ship is full of supplies and we're due to set sail tomorrow."

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