Of course.


I slowly and annoyingly limp through the halls trying to get to lunch. My stomach is growling eagerly for food. "Take it easy..." Axel places his hand on my shoulder to slow me down.

I can't help it, I'm hungry. I want to just sit down, and mostly I want to see Brandon. We need to have a talk.

When Axel took me to the nurse's office, the nurse added some sort of healing ointment on the wound and wrapped it with white gauze to help with the bleeding. The entire time I could only think about Brandon finding out and throwing a fire fit. Especially if he finds out Harmony is behind it. At least I think she is... why else would she be out near the field? She's not even in my gym class.

Axel has to help me push the doors open, since I am completely drained of all my energy. Everyone, other than Dante, of course, jumps from their seats the second they see Axel and I walk into the cafeteria.

"Are you okay!" Melody says when she runs up to me, "We have been so worried."

They all helped me to the table, and I told them all what had happened. Axel leaves to grab the both of us some food while I explain. Axel is way too nice for a dragon. The thought makes me laugh.

"I hate to admit it, Paris, but I think your sister is behind it. She was by the bleachers and unless there is another gym class I didn't know she was in, I think she sent the wolves after me." I sigh and take a bite of the cheese pizza Axel brought me.

Before Paris can say what she is about to, someone touches my shoulder. I turn, "Hey... can I talk to you?"

The man's voice is way too low. I almost jumped from my seat. "Uh..." I look around at my table and they seem just as confused as me.

"It's Reighlynn, right? We have gym together-" His head tilts ever so slightly and I see the wolf's ears on his head.

"You're the Alpha!" The words leave my mouth so fast I can't catch myself.

He awkwardly laughs and scratches the back of his neck, "It's Jeremy but yes...I was hoping you and I could take a walk." He angels his head towards the doors that lead outside. I hide the sigh I want to release... I just want to sit and eat food...

"Y-yeah, sure." I answer reluctantly but still wanting to know what he may say, but Melody places her hand on my own as I begin to stand. She is giving me a warning look. "He stopped those wolves early." I whisper to everyone. Melody lifts her hand and nods.

I slowly lift my injured leg over the seat, then the other. Jeremy holds his hand out for help. "Thanks." I grab his hand to help balance myself. We walk to the doors at my own speed. Jeremy is patient with me, knowing my situation.

I can't help but search the room for Brandon. I looked for him when we first walked in and I didn't see him. It's been awhile and I still don't see him...

Jeremy holds the door open for me, and I walk through. We walk in awkward silence for a while until I tell him I need to sit. My ankle is in pretty poor condition. Walking on it for too long causes me a substantial amount of pain. I decided to just sit in the grass to reduce the throbbing pain I am experiencing.

"I talked to the ones behind all that earlier. On behalf of them, I wanted to apologize. No one will open their mouths about whose idea it was but I guarantee you they got hell for that."

I run my fingers through the grass, "You didn't have to do all that." I say quietly.

Jeremy gives me a funny look and his eyes trail to my ankle. "I for one am responsible for my pack, plus you looked pretty helpless. No offense." I chuckle and shake my head to let him know I am not offended. Not like I could have done anything in that situation, no matter who I was.

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