
Start from the beginning

As she was walking over to Liam she heard the two juniors from earlier talking to him.

"Hey, Liam... You want to explain what that was out there?" The one with moles scattered all over his face asked.
"What do you mean?" Liam asked obliviously.
"That little display. Your little circus act." He said with exaggerated hand gestures.

"What circus act?" Liam asked sharing a confused look with Leilani to which she just shrugged.
"You caught every shot." The junior stated the obvious.

"...I was in goal."Liam trailed off.
"Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot got past you!"
"Yeah, he was the goalie. You guys played this game before?" Leilani asked with some sass in her voice.

"You guys are freshmen, right?" The one Leilani recognized as Scott asked.
"Yeah..." They both said at the same time.

"But you weren't here last semester." The other one pressed.
"I transferred from Devenford Prep."

"You transferred?" Scott asked doubtingly
"Yeah..." Liam trailed off.
"No... You got kicked out, didn't you?" Scott asked accusingly.

How the hell did he figure that out so fast? Leilani asked herself. She sensed Liam was already getting frustrated, so she took matters into her own hands.

"All right, listen here Dumb and Dumber. Kicked out or transferred, it's the same shit. What do you guys care anyway? He's great at lacrosse and your team sucks ass. You do want to win this season, right?"

"No. No, we don't need any more good players--"The quirky one said. To be honest he was already getting on Leilani's nerves.

"Actually, we could sort of use a couple..." Scott countered.

"Okay, how'd you get this good? Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen just once overnight? Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full--" The other one started asking questions like during a round of rapid-fire.

"--Stiles--" Scott interrupted. So that's his name, Leilani thought, Oh you poor, poor soul.

"Hmm. Look, I learned from my stepfather, all right? He made team captain when he was a sophomore--" Liam started.
"Just like you," Leilani interjected giving Scott a pointed look.

"And yeah... I guess I'm just that good." Liam finished as he grab Leilani's hand and they both walked out of the locker room.

"I swear I'm gonna cut a bitch. The audacity they had to just come and question you because they were insecure about their skills. Like, sorry you didn't have the confidence in your skills but like it's not my fault that you suck and are probably praying to god that your girlfriend doesn't leave you because you're not athletic like you used to be!!" Leilani ranted. Liam just laughed the whole time at the girl next to him. She had a tendency of ranting about things that pissed her off.

"You feel better now?" Liam asked as he recovered from his laughing fit.
"Yeah. I'm good. To hell we go!" Leilani said as they made their way to class.


"Terrible! Horrifying! Pathetic! Unbelievably pathetic! Is that everyone?" Coach's insults were honestly giving Leilani life right now. She decided to stay and watch Liam at tryouts after school.

"Yup, that's everyone," Coach called after Stiles arrived panting like he was repeatedly hit in the gut. Liam, however, came in first and didn't seem tired at all. In fact, he was doing push-ups. Meanwhile, Leilani was trying her hardest not to swoon at her best friend's physique. 

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