26 - Planning and Fighting

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Since Emily proposed to me, we'd been doing things like normal. Not much in our daily life had changed. People still congratulated me when they saw the ring and it had been almost 2 months. I still had the "you must be marrying such a lovely man" comments and it irritated me. At least when I told them it was a woman I could see if their faces dropped or formed into a smile.

Usually it was older women who assumed that the ring on my finger meant there was a man in the picture and when I described how amazing my fiance was they slumped away with a grimace. It still astounded me that so many people were against same sex realationships.

Obviously a lot of people, especially the older generation go by the saying in the bible that is used to explain their blatant homophobia. I won't quote it. It's a stupid saying and something I've never understood.

Since we started taking the wedding plans seriously and we started to get things done, JJ became more involved with both of us. She was almost like the go between, the moderator of our wedding plans.

Trying to sort everything was tricky. We had to decide which flowers we wanted, the decorations for the tables and chairs, design invitations, find a photographer, either create a playlist or find someone to play music at the wedding and organise food for a number of guests that we didn't have yet because we didn't have invitations and find a caterer to do food, with dietary requirements for the guests we still didn't have.

Oh, and our wedding brigade. We decided to call them that because we had friends who were male, female and non-binary that we wanted as part of our "bridesmaids".

Emily was just as stressed as I was and occasionally we had snapped at each other. I felt awful every time and so did Emily but a forehead kiss straight after we snapped seemed to simmer the annoyance for a moment. I loved her with all of my heart but there were some things I just completely disagreed with. We always talked about it when we were less stressed and made sure that the same thing would be unlikely to happen again.

After a lot of arguing, making up and compromisation we agreed on all of the colours of the pride flag for our colour scheme. It wasn't going to be the whole theme of the wedding because it looked tacky. We settled on a pale pink for the rest of the theme and whatever coloured bouquet we wanted while we walked down the aisle.

We argued about each colour individually and it was JJ who suggested a bouquet of red flowers on one table, orange on another, yellow, green, blue and purple on the others. We decided on only inviting the people we felt important to the wedding. None of our 'acquaintances' were going to be invited. Neither of us understood the point of that. Our wedding was going to be for close family and friends only.

Emily decided to design the invitations herself. She knew exactly what she wanted and how to do that. She didn't want someone else to do them and I was more than happy to let her do whatever she wanted to. If she wanted to put her digital designing skills to use, she could do that. I opted to sort out the music. It was a fairly simple process and it meant we got things done quicker than if we did them together.

Although, the one thing we did together was choose the food and wedding cake we wanted. Emily originally wanted to do a full 3-course meal for everyone whereas I wanted to arrange snacks where people could choose what they wanted and where we'd be able to provide for other people with dietary requirements. After talking it through, Emily admitted that she could see my side of things and we agreed on a table of snacks for our wedding guests.

Speaking of guests for the wedding, the biggest thing myself and Emily had argued about, really argued about, was the fact that she didn't want to invite her parents. She said that she couldn't remember the last time she spoke to her father and her relationship with her mother was still as strained as it had been when she was a teenager. Nonetheless, I encouraged her to send them both invites.

Sure enough, a few days later we had a reply from Emily's mother saying that she would be attending. I had never seen Emily smile this much. It was nice to know that the prospect of her mother attending our wedding excited her. I remember walking through the door after work that day.

Emily wrapped her arms around my waist straight away. She swayed me back and forth while she rested our heads together. She hummed as a tune to make us dance along to, and when she spun me in a circle I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Welcome home Angel". She kissed my forehead and then pulled me into the kitchen. Her arms wrapped around me from behind as I poured myself a glass of water.

"Hi Beautiful. How was your day?" She squeezed my waist and rested her head on my shoulder while she answered.

"My Mom replied. She's coming to the wedding". I could feel the excitement coming off Emily. It was strange to see her so excited for something, but I liked this side of her anyway.

"That's great Em". She spun us around in a circle and kissed me before we carried on with our evening as usual.

Whenever we had a free moment, we spent it together. The wedding plans were making us both so busy and I was feeling more clingy than I usually was. I just wanted to wrap my arms around Emily and never let her leave. Clearly Emily felt the same way, considering her hands were all over me. Her hand on my shoulder, or lower back and her lips pressed to my forehead.

I was madly in love with her and it was becoming more clear day by day. I was going to marry this woman and I'd never been more excited.


A/N - I'm sorry this chapter is so short, and that it took me so long to get out. I struggled to think about what to write. Anywayssss, there's only a few chapters of this left (4) and then I'll be starting a new Emily x Reader book. Woohoo!

Also, I published a new Jemily book a few days ago so please go give it a read. ILY all <3

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