23 - Home and Happiness

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"Mmmmm. Good morning Em". Soft kisses were pressed over my shoulders and neck.

"Good Morning Angel. I'm sorry to rush you but we have to get ready. We have a flight in a few hours". She rubbed my back and helped to wake me up a little more.

"Okay. Doesn't mean I like it though". I buried my face into her neck and when I was fully awake I got out of bed.

"What time is our flight?" Emily cupped my cheek and rubbed her thumb over my cheek.

"Our flight is at 11am. It's 8 now so you've got a little time. You don't need to worry about getting dressed up all fancy for the flight. I don't care if you just wear leggings and a shirt". I smiled at Emily's words. She was always boosting my confidence, whether she knew it or not.

"So, I could wear nothing and you'd still be happy?" She glared at me and I smiled.

"If you wore nothing I'd fuck you so well that you knew you belong to me and only me". I had to fight to stop myself from gasping. "You don't show your body off to anyone, understand?"

"Yes Ma'am". Emily got out of bed and started to pack her clothes into her suitcase, leaving an outfit out for her to change into before we left.

I used the bathroom while she packed her clothes and then we switched places. I left out a shirt and leggings like she suggested. I changed into the outfit I had picked out and put my pyjamas in my suitcase.

Emily wrapped her arms around my waist once I was finished and she buried her face into my neck.

"Are you okay Em?" I rubbed my hands up and down her back and her grip on me tightened.

"I am. I love you so much, you know that right?" She pulled back slightly to look at me and rest our foreheads together.

"Yeah. I love you too Em". She kissed me and then got dressed.

We both did a quick sweep of the room to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything and then made our way outside to the Uber Emily had booked. She held my hand for the whole journey to the airport, her thumb brushing over my knuckles softly.

We made it through security at the airport and Emily insisted we got food. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. We hadn't eaten too long ago but she was my dom and if she thought it was an appropriate time to eat then I'd go along with what she said.

Emily was like a child in a sweet shop when we went into the shop at the airport to look for some snacks. She was so excited picking things and I agreed to whatever she wanted. It was nice to see her this happy.

Again, she held my hand for the plane ride, only letting go to use the bathroom or eat the snacks we had bought earlier. I understood why she insisted on us eating and buying snacks at the airport. They weren't selling food on the plane, only drinks.

It didn't seem like too long before the pilot was announcing that the plane was about to land. Emily's hand gripped mine and she talked to me while we were landing. The wheels of the plane touched the ground and I let out an audible sigh of relief.

Once the plane came to a complete stop, Emily turned to face me and continued our conversation while we waited for the rest of the passengers to clear out. Emily scanned the plane and noticed that most people had left so we grabbed our bags and made our way to baggage claim.

By the time we got there some passengers had already started to collect their bags so we stayed out of the way and waited for them to move out of the way. Our suitcases were some of the last to go around the conveyor belt anyway. Emily grabbed mine, and then hers.

She rested her hand on my lower back as we walked to her car. Her hand rested on my knee for the entire drive home.


It was 2pm by the time we walked through the door of Emily's apartment and despite having been awake for a few hours I was exhausted. Flying always made me tired and today wasn't an exception.

Emily watched me stifle a yawn and suggested we went to bed, even if we only cuddled. Today was going to be a low energy day, something I was extremely grateful that Emily understood and participated in with me.

My head rested on Emily's chest and warm arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I closed my eyes and listened to Emily's heartbeat.

I wasn't going to fall asleep any time soon but the comfort and quiet was nice for a while. I shifted slightly because my leg was going numb and it alerted Emily that was awake. She kissed my forehead softly before speaking to me.

"I wanted to ask you something, Angel". I heard Emily's heart rate speed up. She was either nervous about this or excited.

"Of course Em. Go for it". She took a deep breath and gripped onto my waist before she spoke.

"Will you move in with me? I understand if you think it's too soon but I don't want to be away from you now that we've had the opportunity to spend so much time together". She spoke very fast and I had to concentrate on what she was saying to understand her.

"Of course I'll move in with you Em. I was going to give you a key and ask you to come over more often but that works. I want to be around you all the time too". She kissed my forehead and we went back to the silent cuddling from before.


"I love you" was murmured and whispered several times throughout our cuddling session and every time we passed each other in the kitchen that day. Our trip to New York seemed to have built our relationship. We seemed to be in tune with each other, even more than we had been before.

The huge smile on my face didn't seem to disappear for days, even once I had moved my things into Emily's apartment. I was in love with Emily Prentiss and I wasn't ashamed to admit it.


A/N - Get ready for more updates!

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