24 - Jealousy and a Possessive Dom *

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Contains: Jealous sex, possessive Emily, begging, choking, bondage, slapping, praise, crying and the reader being a very good girl (top reader at the start, very quickly switches to bottom reader).

It's a long one (4000 words exactly) so you might want to grab your vibrator or turn on auto scroll, whatever you prefer. Just saying... 👀


The last few days had been hectic, with me moving into Emily's apartment and having to work at the same time. She had been a huge help making sure my things were moved between the two apartments smoothly and she'd even unpacked a few boxes, with my permission and consent.

She insisted that she couldn't snoop through my things which I was grateful for but I had nothing to hide from her.

Today, I came home from work to find Emily singing along to some music while going through my box for the bedroom. I opened the door quietly and watched her from the doorway for a few moments. She was sorting items into files and then transferring them to the bedroom.

There was one thing she pulled out, wrapped in bubble wrap that I forgot I even owned anymore and before I could stop her, the bubble wrap was on the floor and she was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

She took a good look at it and then pointed it across the room like a wand making me laugh out loud and alert her of my presence.

"Shit". A blush spread over Emily's cheeks and she dropped the item back into the box.

"Really Emily? You used my double ended dildo as a wand? How old are you, 10?" I laughed the entire time I spoke and so did Emily, although she was a lot more embarrassed than I was.

"I didn't think you'd be home so early!" I draped my arms over her shoulder and pulled her closer to me until our lips were almost touching.

The kiss was the worst I've ever had. Neither of us could stop laughing and our teeth kept clashing. I was so in love with this woman, it was insane.

Emily was the first to break the kiss. "Hi". Her fingers brushed a stray piece of hair out of my forehead. "How was work Angel?"

"Tiring but I get to spend time with my favourite person so that's a bonus". Emily's hands fell to my waist to pull her closer to me.

"Oh, it definitely is. This is the last box. Do you want to finish it now or tomorrow?" I sighed, Despite how much work had drained my energy, the thought of having no more boxes lying around Emily's apartment really appealed to me.

"I'll carry on emptying the box. Go do something else Em". She poked my side and stepped back.

"How about I watch you? I can't take my eyes off you today. You look phenomenal in that suit". I rolled my eyes and picked the box up, moving it to the door of the bedroom.

"Fine. Okay. If you insist". I unbuttoned the top 2 buttons of my shirt so that I had some freedom to move and Emily's eyes darkened slightly. I decided to play along and mess with her a little. I could be a tease if she could.

The last things in the box were a few old sex toys that I didn't use anymore but were handy and things to go in, or on my bedside table. I squatted down to fill the bottom drawer of the bedside table and made my way to the top.

A photo frame with a picture of myself and Emily sat on top as well as my jewelry stand. When I stood up, slim arms slid around my waist from behind and unbuttoned my shirt more.

Emily's hands cupped my breasts lightly and I leaned back into her touch.

"My good girl. Look at you, so desperate for me, huh?" I nodded. "It's a shame really. You look hot. What would you do if I asked you to rail me?" Emily's breath was hot in my ear and it was driving me crazy. She was asking me fuck her and my brain wasn't working.

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