I rub my hand against the dark cover of the book and inspect more closely. The ends were rigid and the pages were yellow and weak. The cover was smooth, apart from the few cuts through it.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest with fear of what was in it, what if it was just marketing things for work and Yoongi was just trying to mess with me. What if there was an ulterior motive that I was missing and they all wanted to sleep with me? The many thoughts flush from my brain as I finally open to the first page.

May 6, 2010

Today there was a boy in my class, he was a upper class man. Because of how smart I am, I happened to take the same class as him. He seemed to be pretty popular among everyone, always having a pearly smile to knock with it.

It bothered me so much that someone could be so happy for absolutely no reason at all. Even with the amount of money my family held, none of us would ever show our emotions out like he did. It was annoying so I gave him a piece of my mind.

His name was Hoseok hyung and he let me blow my steam off onto him. After, he then told me that he didn't have anything to be upset about too much, his family wasn't wealthy that's for sure, but it wasn't something that hurt him.

Soon after he and I became good friends, it was weird. He was weird. Hoseok hyung was a guy who wanted to be friends because he wanted to. There was no reason that he should except because he wanted to. So I let him spend time with us, until Seokjin hyung told me it would be best if I had him included with the brother bond thing since he was always with us.

Seemingly, our odd group was becoming well closed and we were nearly done with finding our brothers. Everyone had someone that they could be close with and it wasn't too weird.

We need two more brothers.




I feel sick. I haven't even made it past the first 5 pages and I feel sick.

Aside from my struggling to read child Namjoon's handwriting, everything I read made complete sense. They weren't interested in me at all, just whether I would have one of their babies.

This was a fucking cult and they wanted to take me? What the fuck am I doing here?

I stand, but my legs too weak to hold my body up. I glance at the alarm clock to my left -5:26a.m.-

It was so early in the morning and with my lack of sleep from the night before it killing me. I would get too far without falling asleep. I pound my head in frustration, trying to think of something I can do, but nothing comes to mind. I lay back down and feel myself fall into a deep, unwanted sleep.

December 25, 2010

It's done. We have our brothers. After getting Hoseok to join, everything just seemed to fall into place really.

During the summer I passed over a bridge that I usually did when going to the store for manga, but I stopped because I saw a limpkin bird. It was amazing! I never saw one in person and they are really rare. I got excited and I pulled my phone to take a picture when I accidentally dropped my phone off the ledge.

When I yelped in panic the bird left. I was so upset that I wasn't going to go down and get my phone, but something pushed me to do so. I walked down so sadly when I saw a little boy sitting on some rocks in the river.

He was holding my phone nervously, but gave it to me nonetheless. It was strange and I tried to talk to him for a while, but then I had to go home. The next few days I kept going back and soon he started talking to me and bringing him food, I didn't want him to know I was rich yet so I told him I stole it all.

After a while he finally went home with me and the servants in the house made him look better presentable. I don't know what happened to him and I guess I never will, but honestly I don't care. He's a year older than me, but he like a child from how small he was, the doctor said it was because he didn't eat much.

Around thanksgiving he started looking his age a bit more, but he's still kind of short in comparison to Jin and I.

Then Jungkook's birthday, I decided to give him his gift in private. He had just turned 13 and it seemed perfect to have him join the bonded brothers. I'll be honest, I was getting impatient once Yoongi hyung joined. Jungkook was always following Seokjin hyung around so it only felt right for him to be in it.

He believe me almost immediately, so it was easier than I thought it was. Well, until Seokjin hyung tried to beat the shit out of me for getting JK in while he was away in college. I didn't care though.

Now we just need to find our wife before Jin hyung turns 30 and it'll be okay.

I'll be okay.




I've been gone since like months ago.... I was busy and also had no ideas :') I'm working on everything now though, I SWEAR. I'm sorry for being gone for so long


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