7| Spilled Alcohol

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I return to the room where the security holds the door for me while I struggle to hold the filled tray with the boys' drinks. I walk in and make my way to the table when someone much bigger than me bumps into me causing one of the glasses to smash into the floor. I gasped as I look at the spilled alcohol running down my leg and glass scattered on the floor.

I place the drinks down before grabbing napkins to clean the alcohol. I feel my face hot from embarrassment, I don't even look to see who bumped into me until someone is next to me trying to help me clean.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you, it was my fault," I say as I clean. It wasn't my fault, but it wouldn't do anyone any good if I said what I actually was thinking. "No, it wasn't, it was clearly me. I'm sorry, Y/n." The voice says. I recognize it to be Taehyung, but I focus on picking up all the glass.

"It's okay," I say flatly. "And I'm sorry for yesterday as well. I was being an asshole for no reason, and I'm sorry for that. " I can hear the genuine tone in his voice and when I'm about to respond, he starts to get more napkins and pile it onto the mess. "You don't need to help, it's fine I can do this." I say. "No, I did this, so I'm helping."

"I insist, go enjoy the party, this is my job." I say and his reaction was far from what I expected. He stands up and kicks some of the glass out of frustration. I ignore his strange tantrum and finish cleaning.

After I picked up all the glass, I went to throw it away when Namjoon comes next to me. "I'm sorry about Taehyung's behavior. I promise he doesn't always act like that." He says. "Then please tell him to leave me alone if he's not going to act like a normal person. I'm trying to do my job and I can't when you guys are all over me and having pissy tantrums when things don't go your way." I say, realizing that it was rude of me to say, I turn around to see his reaction. "I'm sorry, again Y/n." Namjoon says walking away, not seeming to be too affected by my words.

Why am I such an awful person to people that don't deserve it?

A/n: Sorry this chapter was so short, I'm trying my best to get their characters across as best as I can without it being a billion chapters long. Thank you<3

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