42| No Going Back

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"I don't care if you want to go or not, you have to get up so we can change you." One blonde complains, pulling me off my bed.

"I don't want to go, I want to go home." I complain. Actually I would much rather ask Yoongi what the hell is going on, but going home and contemplating everything is just as good.

After a few minutes of back and forth bickering between me and the blonde women helping, they finally bring out the dress I'm going to wear. Before looking at it I begin complaining, "I don't want to wear a dress, that's too formal for a drink. I can just wear-" I focus my eyes on the navy dress laid on the bed.

It was the dress that I was looking at the day Tae and I were in the city, but I couldn't get it because it was too expensive, "What is this? Where did it come from?" I ask.

"Sir Kim Taehyung brought this to us and said you were required to wear it." One says flatly, but I can't help but smile at the simple kindness from Tae even if he tried to appear rough on the outside. I mentally remind myself to thank him when I see him and put on the dress with the help of some of the blonde women.

I look into the full length mirror and admire how I look, not as dead as I did earlier today and I look not as stressed. My cleavage shows, but it doesn't bother me too much since it fit like my usual cocktail dresses that I wore for the nightclub.

I hear a soft knock against my door and the blonde women move to the right back of the room and watch, "Your escort, Sir Jeon is here." The elder says, bowing her head.

I turn back to the door and drag my feet, not feeling enthusiastic to going downstairs. I slowly open the door to reveal a sweet grinning Jungkook, his youthful face contrasting with his strong built body which I can clearly see he's been working out recently.

He eyes my body from head to toe before finally speaking, "Wow, you look like a work of art," he says, perhaps referring to his artist passion, "-not that you don't always look good, but this time it's different. But not in a way that should have to dress up all the time or anything like that, like I l like the way you look, I mean that, but-"

"I got it," I say cutting him off, I smile at his cute panicky word vomit. "You look good, too." I say, finally to take in his appearance. He wore a simple suit that fit in the perfect places, a dark color with a long tie, but still very handsome.

"Thank you, ma'am." He says bowing and I roll my eyes at his unnecessary flirtatious formality.

He locks arms with me and leads me to the stairway since the elevator is still not working. For them to be crazy wealthy guys, the elevator still isn't in service.

We walk down two flights of stairs and I struggle to disguise my winded self while Jungkook appears to be fine and not tired in the slightest. We enter the dining hall and the room is filled with the other 6 men, all looking very dressed and attractive. I feel myself giving each of them a smile before suddenly feeling surrounded with compliment, aside from Yoongi who is already sitting himself at the elongated table.

"You look lovely, Y/n." Jimin comments and I return it with a playful smile, but I'm unable to keep my attention stuck onto the beautiful men in front of me and inside it continues to wander to the man at the table alone.

Namjoon is already downing his first drink and food hasn't even been served, yet. The smell from the kitchen leaks a strong whiff of how delicious the cooked food is and I can't help, but close my eyes and inhale to let my mouth water.

"Are you hungry?" Jin asks from my left and I look over to him, he looks well dressed as usual. Embarrassingly, my stomach answers for me and growls louder than I could have ever imagined. They all burst into a loud laughter as my face darkens and heats up.

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