Mummy Gift - Jungkook x Yoongi x Y/n

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Here it is mwomisumi I hope you like it. I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for the prompt.

Jungkook's POV

I Follow them covertly, trying to keep them in my sight, but not getting caught by Yoongi. He is a suspicious one, especially as I talked in my sleep last week and said Y/n name. I didn't know I said her name, but the guys teased me all week about it. I don't know why I said her name, though. 

I don't know where they are going, but I don't care. I need to figure out why I'm dreaming about her. We met her three years ago, and she and Yoongi hit it off right away. At first they were just best friends, but since the last 6 months their relationship has progressed further. And I must admit she grew up very nicely. Killer body and personality. I've been stealing glances whenever I can. 

I just thought I only found her physically attractive, but me dreaming about her must mean something else right? They round a corner and I speed up, I don't want to lose them. Slowing down at the corner I peek and as they are a little ways ahead I follow. 

I walk behind them for ten minutes more and then the neighborhood becomes familiar and I know where they are going. My best friend, Mun-Hee is throwing a costume party and now their outfits make sense. Yoongi is dressed as a gangster from the 1920's and Y/n is a sexy pirate. I turn around and hail a taxi. 

At first I didn't want to go, but now I will. I need a costume though. In the cab I text Mun-hee, telling him I'm going to come to the party. And I ask him if he has a costume for me. I wait for an answer and I get a text 5 minutes later. Unfortunately he doesn't have one, so I tell the driver to take me to a costume shop.

When I arrive, paying and getting out. I enter the shop and browse the various costumes. I need one that will disguise me completely. Only finding three costumes that will cover my face as well. One is the classical ghost costume, the second a mummy, and the third is Jason from Friday the 13th. I pick the mummy one as I don't want to have a sheet over my head for the entire night and with the mask Jason wears I won't be able to kiss her if the opportunity would present itself. I pay and leave the store after changing into the costume. Only my eyes and mouth are visible, and I even used makeup to cover the mole below my lip. I get another taxi and give the driver the address. 

Y/n's POV

Yoongi is taking me to a costume party and he chose my costume. I had to laugh when I saw it for the first time. Of course he wants me as a sexy pirate. With an eye patch and bandana instead of a hat. He himself looks stunning as a 1920's gangster and I know he wouldn't stand out if he were to time travel to the 20's. 

I was ecstatic when he asked me to be his girlfriend, having a crush on him from the moment we met. He is everything I want in a man, sexy, strong, handsome, compassionate, and the list goes on and on. 

I don't know the guy who throws the party, but he's a friend of the guys. The house comes into view, and the music can be heard. It gets louder the closer we get to it. Yoongi takes my hand and kisses the top, gummy smiles at me and pulls me along as he speeds up. He's eager to party, which has me baffled a little to be honest. 

Normally he isn't one for parties, so I'm thinking he has something up his sleeve. The house is packed with people, all dressed in a costume. I see Dracula, Superman, Wonder Woman, and I even see a man in a pickle costume and I smile. 

Yoongi walks us straight to the kitchen where all the booze is. He gets two shot glasses and hands me one. I drink it, and he promptly gives me another. Is he trying to get me drunk? I look at him from the corner of my eye, but he doesn't look like he is up to something so I dismiss the thought. 

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