Wrath of Infinity

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William wasn't having a very good day. He'd woken up in a very grouchy mood, signifying a bad day for him. A random person had ran into him on the way out of his room, and the boy had to restrain himself from killing the person right there and then. When he got to the lobby, Darkeem had gone up to bother him, but once he saw the mood he was in, he backed off immediately, knowing precisely what will happen if he pissed him off.

He got some food, which was just a bagel and some milk, and sat down next to Kageyama and Hoshiumi who were sitting at a table by themselves. He slammed his food down on the table, startling the two out of their conversation.

"Hey, what gi-! Woah, are you okay man?" Hoshiumi asked in a sort of nervous tone as he saw the state the red and black eyed boy was in.

"No. I'm pissed off beyond belief right now. I'm in a grouchy mood. One small misstep from anyone and I'll make them wish they were dead." William angrily growled out as he aggressively bit into his bagel. They didn't see it, but a little bit of black and red lightning with  a fire effect came off of his body.

"A-ah, I see. Does this happen often?" Kageyama asked, also a bit fearful of the tiny boy.

"Not often, but often enough that people know to stay out of my way." He said as he took another aggressive bite out of his bagel. He felt many pairs of glaring eyes pointed at him. Turning around, the people whose legs got slashed were glaring at him. Not for long though, cause as soon as he turned around, they all saw the pure wrath and rage in his eyes. They immediately turned around in fear of him.

"T-the hell's wrong with him?" Yamaguchi asked the others with pure terror in his voice.

"Don't know, but we need to get rid of them both as soon as possible. They know our deeds, and could tell everyone if we don't do something." Kita said. His voice was rather shaky and was obvious he was scared.

"To be honest, I kinda want to get rid of William first. He seems to be the most trouble out of the two." Osamu said, his twin agreeing with him. They convinced the others to go along with a plan they made to kill William. They agreed they would do it that day. Of course, being the idiots they are, they decided to mess with him on the wrong day, which would lead to great consequences.
William was walking down the street of the city to try and clear his head of all the boiled up wrath that was filling his being. As he walked, he felt a large amount of familiar auras in the area. He instantly recognized them as the kids from the volleyball clubs.

'They're planning something, I know it. I am very much not in the mood to deal with their bullshit right now.' He thought as he ignored whatever they were doing and continued walking.

Unfortunately for him, he somehow found himself walking in the direction of their auras, leading him to a alleyway.

'Fuck you Darkeem. Fuck. You.' He thought as he heard said being's cackling in his head. Darkeem may not directly fuck with William when he gets like he is now, but he'll surely do other things to mess with him, like manipulating things so that he'd go towards the boys.

Down the alley, he saw some of the guys getting pulled away by people in black robes. With a long drawn out sigh, William decided that if they want to attempt to kill him and on a day where his mood is like this, then they have to pay the consequences.

They were dragged deeper into the alley as William came towards them. Every step he took, the ground cracked below him. His aura, black and red that looked like fire, got bigger and bigger as he got closer. His bangs overshadowed his eyes, the red parts of them standing out more.

As he turned the corner, he was suddenly hit with something bludgeoned. His head didn't even move when it made contact, and only moved when he turned his head to glare at whoever hit him. They ran towards the rest of the group, who were now frozen in place with their weapons in hand at seeing the God of Wrath standing at the other side.

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